A child is one of the best gifts of our life from our creator. If today is your son’s birthday then you should say happy birthday son with best birthday quotes, wishes, messages. In this post, we have to share the best happy birthday quotes for son. Make his birthday more and more memorable with the best birthday quotes and images. So let’s start to choose the best birthday wishes to your son.
Happy birthday son quotes
“God is Great”
Happy Birthday Son!!!! Love this guy with all my heart! He will always be my baby.
How sweet. Cute Birthday boy. Happy Birthday my Son. You have made me so proud. Love you more than life. See you tomorrow and let the shenanigans begin.
Happy birthday son. God bless you, hope you have a wonderful day, we love you so much, and we want cake.
At the Rockies game with my better half ready for some baseball happy birthday son.
Happy 4th Birthday to my baby boy. You changed my life the day you where born you brought so much joy and happiness to my life I just want you to know I love you with all my heart thank you for choosing me to be your mommy.
Happy birthday son!! What a summer it’s been, I’ve greatly enjoyed getting to see you almost every month! I’m extremely lucky to be your mom!
Happy birthday to my oldest boy, like most parents say where has the time gone? The big 21! I love you very much and I hope you have a very blessed day.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most AMAZING gifts a mother could ever ask for, my son. I love you lots. You have become such an inspiration to myself and taught me s few things. Thank you. I hope this day and many more to come are filled with joy, adventure, memories, and love as the first 19. You’re the best, love mom.
Happy 3rd birthday to my baby boy !!!! love him to pieces.
He had an awesome free two-hour pt session at the playground for his birthday! Happy Birthday, son!
Happy birthday to my funny, world traveling son. Hope you are enjoying your time.
HAPPY birthday son.. but love is always there.. thanks!!!!!
My son graduation yesterday was so wonderful. WISHING MY BABY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON. LOVE YOU. ENJOY YOUR DAY.
I would like for all my family and friends to help me with my son a Happy Birthday today who turns the Big 22 today!!!!! Happy Birthday, Son!!!
Happy birthday, son and congratulations again on your marriage to an amazing young lady that I’m so proud to call daughter in law. This has to be the best birthday present EVER. Enjoy the honeymoon I love you both.

Happy 22nd Birthday to my sweet!!! You are one funny, silly, absolutely adorable, little boy. I never knew I could love something this much. I can’t believe what a big boy you are now….where does the time go?!! We love you to the moon and around the stars and back again my sweet little nugget!!!
Never in a million years did I think I’d have a big blue-eyed, blonde curly-q baby boy. -Well, it happened 16 years ago. He’s made me smile every day since! Happy Birthday to my Sam….and yes he was like three before we trimmed his hair!
My baby boy will be 23 in 3 hours… Love you, happy birthday!
Happy 17th Birthday Little son, I’ll love you always… love you forever my little boy !!
I would like to give a big shout out to my son Stephen. Today is his 11th Birthday. Thank You, Lord, for every moment with him! Happy Birthday son!!!
Birthday Messages for Son From Heart
Happy Birthday to my first friend!! My first pain in the butt, the first boy in my life … My baby, My Pastor I love you with all of me !! May this birthday bring you a lot of Joy, laughter and many blessings!! May God grant you many more years of life !! I love you!!!

Happy 9th birthday to my fun loving and sweet boy!! It’s so special to be celebrating his birthday in Boston this year!! We love you!!! Today all he wants is to see the Celtics stadium and get a new t-shirt!!
Happy 16th birthday to our beautiful, smart, fun-loving caring son! Have a great time being 6. The past 15 years have flown by, but have been filled with nothing but fun and love because of you. Love always Mommy and Daddy!
Happy Birthday to my son. God bless this young man. He definitely blessed me with putting you in my life. I appreciate us and what we got the ill love you forever and a day buddy! You make me so proud to know I had a part in raising you.
Have to wish my first born son a BIG BDAY SHOUT OUT!!!! Handsome son has been through tough times as a teen BUT overcame his past and is happy in his current!! I love the Man U r becoming. Have a Blast
I want to wish my Handsome Son a very Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day and may God bless you with many more. I love you very much.
Happy birthday to my one & only son! You captured my heart the moment I laid eyes on you. God blessed me beyond measure. You are the most amazing child, who is kind, funny, smart, and you have the best heart. It’s a privilege be your mom. Mommy loves you with all of my heart.
Happy Birthday! All the best to great big brother and an amazing son with a huge heart and immense talent! We love you to the and back! (And you don’t even have to share your birthday with your sisters! It’s all yours!
Happy Birthday wishes for son from Heart
Happy 23 Birthday to my youngest son. Where has the time gone I can still see you so clearly as I held you for the first time? It has been a joy watching you grow into the caring, fun loving adult you are today. I am so proud of all you’ve accomplished so far & look forward to your future. I love you and remember no matter how old you get you’ll always be my baby.

I want to wish my son, my First child a wonderful Happy Birthday. I was very Blessed when God gave you to me and I’m more Blessed today to still have you in my life. I hope you have a Great day and may God Bless you with many more. Mommy loves her Son.
I want to wish my son a happy birthday. I wish you nothing but the best and that you get everything you want in life. Daddy loves you.
Want to wish my son a very Happy 18th Birthday…I am so proud of the young man you are and how strong of a brother and son you have been for us through this difficult time. You make me a better person a better mother I love you more than words can say you guys are my heart, my soul, my life. Happy Birthday, dear.
6 years ago today God gives me in my two arms this handsome boy…God bless you many more years to celebrate your birthday!!! Last 5 years my life was Amazing!!!! Happy birthday to my Angel. Love you to the moon!!
Happy Birthday to my Son, you make me be one PROUD MOM, you have grown to be one Great father, husband, uncle, friend, brother, and SON!!
Happy birthday to my baby 4 years old today so little yet way too smart for your age. I love you, bad boy.

The love of my life and my baby boy love them both so much. Happy birthday to my beautiful fiancée. I am so blessed.
My boy is 7 today!! I can’t believe it! Happy Birthday. Mama loves you so much! Help me with my baby boy Riley a Happy Birthday. He has worked very hard this past year, daddy and I are so proud. .love you buddy.
I look incredible for someone who just had a baby…….25 years ago. Happy birthday baby boy. I love you, I am proud of you, I am grateful to you.
Happy Birthday to my wonderful, energetic, and loving son. I can’t believe he is 3 years old today. He has totally changed my world, and I love being able to watch every milestone in sitting up, walking, and now talking. I look forward to many more exciting years. Happy Birthday. Momma and Dada love you lots.
Happy 24th Birthday to my youngest son! I’m so proud of the man you have become.
Happy birthday to the most amazing son a mom could ask for, love you lots.
Happy 24th Birthday to my Son. A remarkable youngster has become an incredible Man overnight.
10 years ago today… you completed us. Happy 11th Birthday sweet boy!
Happy 21st birthday to my son. Our family picture. Party was so turn yesterday I didn’t have time to post nothing. We love you son.
50+ Best Birthday Wishes For Grandson
Happy Birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear happy birthday to you… 10 Turn Up… My college boy birthday today love you baby boy.

Happy birthday to my baby boy celebrates the 4 years God gave him to us thank god for him. Mom, dad your family and friends have a wonderful day baby.
My baby boy is 9 today…Happy Birthday. Momma loves you and wishes I could be there today to watch you blow out your candles…I hope you have a great Buddy.
Want to wish my son a happy 10th birthday I’m so happy God pick me to be your mom I’m so blessed to have you in my life I love you so much, baby. God bless you always I hope you enjoy your day.
Hello everyone I want to say thank you to everyone to say happy birthday to my son yesterday thank you so much happy day.
I would like to wish to my sweetheart Happy Birthday, your talent is a good gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Happy birthday to my fantastic, wonderful, great super beautiful boy.
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my son Anthony. I can’t believe you’re 13 years old today. Love you kid.
And The Handsome son! Celebrating 15 years of my greatest blessing. Happy birthday to my handsome boy!

Screaming happy birthday to my baby boy… loves you to the moon and back and I wish you the best of all always… we celebrating your birthday with love and happiness… God bless and protect you always and may your birthday be magical and fun..
One year ago today God blessed me with a handsome little boy I call Cy. Happy Birthday, baby.
My one and only nephews 1st birthday celebration. we love you very much baby boy. had a great time.
Happy birthday to my boy. Glad to see you doing big things man, keep up that momentum. But today just kick up the feet and relax.
Happy 8th birthday to my son. Happy birthday to my mother..hope u guys enjoy your day and see many more..no words can express how much I love you guys.
Having a very happy 24th birthday with our son. Thank u all to come out to join us In celebrating his journey into real adulthood! Love you!! Can’t believe he’s out of his teenage years already sigh… God bless you always!
Happy Birthday 18th to my boy. I love you more than you know. I wish you the best day and break a leg tonight. I am so proud of you.
Celebrating Ray’s 19th Birthday! I have no words for how proud I am of the man my son has become – happy Birthday to my favorite boy.

Seems like just yesterday you were born… These past three years have been amazing, so filled with joy, laughter, little temper tantrums… I love every second of it. Happy 3rd birthday baby boy!
Happy birthday to one of gods greatest Angels hope you’re still resting in paradise baby boy LongLive.
Happy Birthday to my son Josiah aka JoJo. Let’s take a quick look down memory lane 8 years together and may God bless us with many more…
Happy Birthday my Son who generates so much great energy in our home. Because of you, every day of our lives is packed with adventure, new discoveries, and fun, fun, FUN!
I thank God every day for the wonderful blessing he has bestowed upon me & your brother and sisters. Happy birthday, my son, I hope it is your best day ever n more to come.
9year ago I had a very special gift come to me, just a week after my Birthday I had my Son. I am so grateful and overjoyed to have him in my life! Today is his special Day! Happy Birthday, Son! I love you more than anything, and anyone! You are my heart! May you be Blessed for all eternity!
Happy birthday, Son. Hope you enjoyed your day love you happy 20.
My Lil’ is 10 years old today! Happy birthday, son! And many more. I love you so much! Thanks to everyone who made this little celebration possible. I have a very happy boy.
Happy Birthday Son!! Our little man is now a teen, where has the time gone.
14 years ago he came into our lives and had been amazing at everything he does. We love this boy so much.
Early morning Birthday Song for my baby boy!!!!!!! Whoa. Where did the time go? Happy Birthday, son! I love you!!!!
This is my son who just celebrated his 13th birthday. He serenades himself as we all should! 13 years ago he taught me to celebrate! We’re blessed to have these angels in our lives!
Singing Happy Birthday to my Son In the daycare with his little friends.
Happy birthday to your son. If you think this happy birthday son quote is helpful to wish your son then please don’t forget to share this post with your friends. What is the birthday date of your son? Feel free to comment here. We will be happy to know your love son’s birthday.
good article very hopeful
Hey rxoc, Thank you so much for your nice comment. If you like this birthday quotes for son then please share this article with your friends. Have a great day.