In this article, we will share how to block a website on a computer (Windows, Mac, Individual Browsers-Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari. Blocking sites, regardless of the reason, is less demanding than the vast majority think. In spite of the fact that it requires light coding, the majority of the work is essentially reordering, and all web browsers enable you to block sites independently effortlessly. Make sure to completely comprehend the directions before continuing.
Note: You will require “Administrative” privileges to roll out the accompanying improvements. This implies you are the essential use of the PC and have the passwords for its use.
Technique 1: How to Block a Website on Windows
- Open My Computer and search “C:” drive. To block any site, on each browser, you have to get to and edit the “HOST” file. This file helps change over URL’s, as, to a numerical DNS address. Be that as it may, you can utilize this transformation point to block your PC from consistently getting specific sites with a little modification.
- In the event that you don’t see the folder “Windows” in C:, at that point search for it in another lettered drive. C is by a long shot the most widely recognized drive for Windows, however, it could be on any drive if you installed Windows yourself.

- Discover the “etc” folder in your drivers. To arrive, tap on Windows – >System32– >drivers– >etc. In the and so on a folder, search for the file “Hosts.”
- The last area you’re setting out toward is C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. You can sort this into the best bar of My Computer in case you’re experiencing difficulty.
- You can likewise discover this by typing “notepad C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts” into a Command Prompt window. To utilize Command Prompt, find and open the program from the Start menu.

- Open the file “has” hostsNotepad. Double-tap on Hosts and pick Notepad when requested that which program utilize. This enables you to edit the file and block certain sites.
- In the event that you don’t get the option to utilize Notepad, open the application independently. At that point click “File” → “Open” in Notepad and discover Hosts as you did some time recently. Tap on it to open the file.

- Look to the unfilled space at the bottom of the document. There will be a great deal of code and content, yet you don’t need to touch any of it. Rather, look over the distance down to the base, where the last line ought to be something taking after “ localhost.”
- Try not to alter or change anything as you’re working. This file is basic to internet connections, and all you have to do include a couple of lines at the base to block sites.

- Hit enter to make another line at the exceptionally bottom. Begin your new line ideal underneath the last “localhost” line.

- Block sites by expressing “,” trailed by the site URL. Toward the start of the line, compose, hit the space bar, at that point work out the URL of the site. For instance, to block Google, you’d express “”
- Try not to include the “http://” to the site URL, or it will neglect to block.

- Include extra sites isolate lines. If you need to block numerous destinations, just hit “enter” again to get on another line. Include the and after that the site. There is no restriction to the number of locales you can block.

8. Save the file. Once you’re finished blocking destinations, tap on “File” → “Save.” Close out any browsers you have open, at that point revive them. Your destinations ought to be blocked on all web programs.

Block a Website in Web Browsers (All)
Technique 2: How to Block a Website on Mac
- Open Terminal. This is the place you can roll out regulatory improvements to your Mac. Utilize the inquiry bar to discover it or pursuit in Finder under/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.[5]
- The terminal is a black on a white content window. It enables you to work with a portion of the code on your PC.

- Influence a copy of your present hosts to document if you commit an error. You won’t be rolling out vast or troublesome improvements to the record, yet it is best to have a backup in any case. To make one naturally, sort “sudo /bin/cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts-original” on the Command Line and hit “enter.”
- You might be provoked to sort in your administrative password. This is the password used to get into the PC when it is begun.

- Open your host’s file. Sort “sudo nano /etc/hosts” and hit “enter” to open the “hosts” file in another window. This is the document that you really need to modify keeping in mind the end goal to block sites. Look down to the exceptionally base, past the last line (generally some type of the expression “localhost.”

- Begin another line with the phrase This line advises your PC to block the site tailing it. Work out the number and after that press the space bar.

- Include the site you need to be blocked after the number. With one space, work out the URL of the site, beginning with www. In this way, if you need to block Google, you’d work out “”. Ensure this is without anyone else line.
Try not to include the “http://”

- Include any extra sites their own particular lines. In the event that you need more destinations, hit enter, at that point include, space, and the site. This will block the destinations totally from your PC, on any browser.

- Save the file. Press the Control Key + “O” (the letter, not “zero”) to save the file, at that point shut the window down. Your progressions are practically essentially.

- Reset the store to put your adjustments essentially. While still in Terminal, sort in “sudo dscacheutil – flushcache” and press “enter.” This will flush the reserve, enabling your progressions to happen. Open a program to test if the change experienced.
- If it didn’t, look at the Host file once more, ensuring your progressions are toward the end, on partitioned lines, and are appropriately formatted.

If this still doesn’t work. Restart your PC, at that point try the destinations once more. They will be blocked.
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Technique 3: How to Block a Website on Individual Browsers
Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer. Web Explorer (IE), Microsoft’s program of a decision, makes it simple to block particular destinations without a great deal of additional work. Notwithstanding, these progressions won’t extend to different browsers, as Firefox.

- Click on Tools, at that point Internet Options, from the best menu. This will raise a settings window that enables you to modify the locales that are blocked. There are various tabs over the window that enable you to modify your settings.
- On more current forms of IE, this is spoken to by an apparatus symbol, not “tools.” Click on the rigging, at that point select “Security Settings.”

- Click on the Privacy tab, at that point tap on “sites.” Type in the site address that you need to Block and Click on OK. Keep in mind this system just blocks one site at any given moment.
- On more up to date versions of IE, you should click “Restricted Sites,” at that point “Sites.”

- Utilize your Microsoft record to account certain sites on the new IE, otherwise called Edge. Keeping in mind the end goal to block destinations on Microsoft’s new form of Internet Explorer, which has been updated and renamed “Edge,” you require a Microsoft account. With it, you can change your inclinations online to block any locales you need from your account.
To do as such, visit

Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome
- Open your web browser. Firefox and Chrome don’t have a worked in approach to block sites, however, you can download a free module that makes it simple to block certain destinations from the browser.
- In Chrome, you require the Chrome Web Store. For Firefox, these options are called “Add-ons.”

- Browse the selection of additional items for your requirements. Tap on the three dim bars in the upper right corner of Firefox, at that point pick “Add-Ons” to browse the choice of parental controls and site blockers. For Chrome, tap the “Apps” button in the upper left corner, at that point tap on “Web Store.”

- Find and download the correct module for you. Mozilla has a convenient page showing the greater part of the best blocking and parental control pages here. For basic blocking of sites on either site, your most logical option is the straightforward however viable “BlockSite.”
- To discover more vigorous projects, scan for “parental controls or filters” in the web store or extra library. These programs accompany uncommon controls that will block a wide range of sites, for example, a pornography filter.

Once downloaded, the module will open up and ask you what destinations you need to block.
In the event that you can’t discover the module, tap on the three bars in the corner and snap “Add-ons” (Firefox) or “Augmentations” (Chrome).
- Open up Safari and tap the Apple logo in the upper right corner. This raises your options and inclinations. Safari doesn’t block sites, it gives you a chance to pick which ones to permit, making it substantially more prohibitive.

- Select System Preferences and locate the Parental Controls. This enables you to block destinations and set yourself as the “parent account,” giving you a chance to pick what different clients can see on Safari.

- Tap on “Convert this account to a parental controls account.” This requires the administrative password – the account used to sign into the PC when it begins up. When input, you will open up the Parental Controls window.

- Tap on “Web” and after that “Allow access to only these websites.” This begins up the confinements on Safari. You can include requiring pages utilizing the “+” button and “Add Bookmarks.”

To recapture full control, just uncheck “allow access to only these websites.”
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