Is it your special person’s birthday and wants to wish him/her with special happy birthday wishes? And are you searching for the best happy birthday wishes, quotes, messages, SMS, or greetings? Don’t worry you are in right place. Here we have shared top happy birthday wishes. You can use these happy birthday wishes to wish your friends, mom, dad, husband, wife, sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, cousin, grandfather, grandmother, or anyone of your beloved one. If you have your own word then you can edit these birthday wishes with your word.
Best happy birthday wishes
1. Wishing my beautiful friend a Happy Birthday, Enjoy your day.
2. Happy Birthday my friend! My day brings you much joy and happiness.
3. Happy Birthday to my dear friend and client!!! I am so honored and proud to be a part of your journey!!
4. I want to wish a Happy Birthday to one of my best friends, I miss you but I know you’re having fun jumping in the beds up there.
5. Happy birthday to my longtime friend!!! One of the lovely gals I know, I pray many blessings over your life today and always!!
6. Happy 25th Birthday to my best friend!! I love you.
7. Happy Birthday my beautiful friend !!
8. Happiest birthday. Hope you’re a happy and well old friend!
10. Happy Birthday to my best friend! Hope your day is as amazing as you are.

11. Happy birthday to my best friend since birth. I love you so much.
12. Happy birthday you are more than friends you are my big sister. I love so much you sugar foot
13. One of the best 4th of July I’ve experienced. Enjoying the day with friends and family. Happy birthday again man.
13. We’ve been together for 10 years My Friend,! Happy Birthday I enjoyed myself and we’ll see you tomorrow… the party continues it’s your Birthday you’re only 24 but once but maybe twice.
14. 50th Birthday party with family and friends. Happy birthday my dear friend.
15. The first post didn’t upload fully. Let me try this again. Happy birthday to my love, my heart, my friend, my star, my Wonder Woman, my wife.
16. Happy 25th birthday to my baby and best friend. I love you for who you are but I love you even more because of who you’re making me. You inspire me so much and I hope you enjoy your day although I know you’ll drag it out a few more days, but rightfully so.
17. Happy 35th Birthday! I have the best friends around!! Thank you, everyone.
18. Happy Birthday to my special lady, best friend, and an amazing girl! Now we are the same age! I am blessed to have you in my life and thankful to have a front seat for all that you do for others. You are truly an inspiration! I love you so much!
19. Thankful for an amazing group of friends that helped me celebrate my birthday on a Sunday night!
20. It took longer than planned, but I’m glad we got Luke’s coffee this morning! At least we made new friends. Happy birthday!!
21. Happy Birthday to my best friend and beautiful wife. We also celebrate the wedding anniversary of the greatest parents in the world. Looking forward to spending the evening celebrating a great day and watching the Jayhawks afterward.
- Best Funny Birthday Wishes for Men
- 50+ Hilarious Birthday Wishes
- Best Birthday Wishes for Friend Images
Top Happy Birthday Wishes and Quotes
We love our relatives so much. If today is your loved one’s birthday then you should wish him/her. Here we have shared top happy birthday wishes that you can use to wish your relative. Check below.

22. Happy Birthday to my hero, best friend, and inspiration to be a better person…I love you and wish you an amazing new year!!! Celebrating you today and every day!
23. How many people can say they met their best friend at the age of 10? She’s been my classmate, teammate, roommate, bartender, physical trainer, and much much more!! It has been amazing growing up and living life with you! Happy birthday beautiful friend! Love you lots.
24. Happy Birthday my dear friend! Today you get ALL the cake! too much much more.
25. Happy birthday! Your favorite place to eat in town! We had a killer work out earlier than dinner! Life is so good when your friends are happy.
26. Happy Birthday to my best friend. You already know wassup so enjoy your 22nd. I love you.
27. Today is my lovely girl’s birthday!! I know all my friends will be mad, but I’m not posting any political crap on here today!! My day will be spent with!! Now if any of you would like, you can go to her page and tell her happy 50th. but don’t tell her I told you to!!
28. Happy Birthday to one of my best friends! I wish I was there to celebrate the day with you!! I hope you have had a nice day!! Can’t wait to see you this weekend! Thanks for being a great friend!! I couldn’t imagine life without your crazy self!! Love you.
29. Happy 20th birthday to my best friend that I don’t get to see near as much as I wish I could! Love You girl!!
30. Happy Birthday to my beautiful best friend, going on 15 years of friendship! You are strong, smart, sweet, talented & gorgeous! I love you! You deserve the happiest of birthdays!
31. It’s her fabulous birthday cake! Haha, Happy Birthday friend!!
32. Happy Birthday from your friends of 32 years!
33. Happy birthday to the flying guy!! This man right here is a great brother, friend, uncle, student, son! Thank God for blessing you to see 25 brothers. Let’s get some drinks and celebrate!!
34. Happy birthday, Have a great day my dear friend!
35. Happy birthday to my beautiful best friend/sister/girl. Love you.
36. I can’t believe that I would let yesterday pass without telling my friend a very Happy Birthday! Temple Lovelace, the world needs more people like. Thank you for all that you do and all that you give!
37. Happiest of birthdays to my favorite Rio Costa!!! It’s crazy to think it’s only been 8 months that I’ve known you, feels like forever!!! Thanks for being one of the best friends I could have asked for having the best birthday
38. Happy 30th birthday to one of my very best friends! Couldn’t ask for a better person to go get Chinese with, to take random trips to target with, and of course, to go get coffee with the everyday hope you have a good day! You deserve it. Love you ugly.
39. Today is the day that a Queen was born! Happy Birthday, lovely! I’m so proud to call you a friend and my sister. Enjoy your turn up in Aruba, sis! Part 2 coming soon
40. Thank you to all my family and friends for all the happy birthday wishes and texts! And to my handsome hubby for the chocolate strawberries. You kept my belly full all day!! I am l…
41. Happy Birthday To My Friend Even Though We Don’t Talk Like We Use To Hang As We Use To Party Like We Use To But We Love Like We Use To Priceless Happiest Birthday Cakes Enjoy each Minute Of It You Deserve It.
42. Thank you for all the birthday love!!! What a great 30th birthday. I have the most wonderful friends and family
43. Happy birthday to this beautiful, lovely person in my life you have been a major part of my life! My cousin/ sister and also my best friend! I love you so much AND nobody can take your place! Enjoy your day dear.
44. A Big Happy Birthday goes out to my longtime friend !!!!
Best Birthday Wishes for Friends
Here the best collection of happy birthday wishes. Use these happy birthday wishes to send birthday wishes to your friend. Make your friend’s birthday more memorable and lovely by sending your best birthday wishes.

45. Good Day!! I have a wonderful husband in the best family and great friends! Thanks, everyone for the Happy Birthday Wishes!!
46. Happy Birthday to my best friend, our relationship is like Meredith & Yang that’s all y’all need to know
47. I wanna wish my best friend a happy birthday. Love you.
48. Having a great time for my friend Amy Morse-Fowler’s Daughter’s 2nd Birthday!
49. Happy Birthday today to my dear friend. Enjoy your great day!
50. Screaming Happy Birthday To My Mommy, My Best Friend, My Rider!! I Love You so much, Mom!
51. Happy birthday to my best friend of 18+ years! Thanks for letting me annoy you basically our whole lives and never letting me look stupid alone I love you to hell and back because you know that’s where we’re headed happy birthday.
52. Happy Birthday to an amazing, loving, wonderful friend of mine who is like a daughter to me & Mike! We love you very much! I’m so honored to say we share the same birthday month & our friendship means the world to me! Have an awesome birthday & feel free for everyone to wish her a Happy Birthday!
53. Happy Birthday to one of the most lovely friends one could wish for! See you later gator!!
54. Celebrating Heather Jo Wheeler today! Happy Birthday, Girlfriend! There are days these two are my saving Grace to get me thru the day. Love you Both! Enjoy your day dear!
55. Happy birthday to my momma! Thank you for all you have done and for always being there. Wouldn’t want anyone else as my best friend. Love you,
56. Happy 30th birthday to my best friend of 15 years who is also the love of my life!, you have brought so much joy into my life over the years and I am so grateful to be the one who gets to grow old with you! I love you.
57. happy 25th birthday to my best friend of all time. I am so thankful to have you in my life as not only my best friend but as someone who will always be here. Over a decade of friendship and there is no getting rid of my life might be crazy and we might not get to see each other as much as we would like to but when we do see one another we act as if no time has gone by.
58. Thanks for all the Happy Birthday Wishes!! Very Thankful for my Family & best Friends. Y’all made my day even better
59. Happy birthday to an old friend since grade school.
60. Happy Birthday my oldest friend. We have seen? a lot together. You have been present during some of my happiest times and through some of my hardest times. You have taken care of my babies and pray for them like they are your own.
61. Happy Birthday to one of my best friends. We have so many great memories together and I can’t wait to share more with you! You’re an amazing momma and a great friend! You deserve a day as amazing as you are…love you girl.
62. Ok FB friends. had 225 happy birthday wishes yet I can only see 6 on my phone. What do I need to do, other than using his phone, to see them?
63. Happy birthday to my beautiful golden and dear friend! I’ll never be able to come close to catching up with you. I hope you’ve had a fantastic weekend. Sending you lots of love!
64. Huge happy birthday to my talented friend! Miss you and our traveling adventures!
65. Happy birthday to one of my best friends ever! love you
66. A few pictures with a long time friend. Happy birthday bro. Thanks for many years of friendship.
Happy Birthday Wishes Messages
Say happy birthday to your friends or loved ones with cool birthday wishes, messages, and saying. Here we will share birthday wishes for your loved one. Check below.

67. Happy Birthday to my Dear Friend!!!! I am so grateful for all of the years we’ve had! All the conversations, all the tears, all the prayers, all the cuddles, ALL THE PIZZA!! You are so special to me and I’m so glad that you and I are just as close when we’re 5 miles apart as we are when we’re 4 hours apart.
68. Happy birthday to you, my friend, who never fails to be kind to every person that you meet, I salute the things you do and those things are what makes you special. Love you dear so much & hope you have a lovely day!!!
69. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter and a good friend! Hope you had a fun yet relaxing day! Love you very much!
70. Got this beautiful necklace for my birthday from my friend!! I Love it. Love the artist, Kasey Parsons, and love the store, 27!!! Actually, the shirt I wore today and the second mala are also from 27
71. Happy birthday to my best friend !!! it’s hard to believe that it’s only been a little over a year since we met. I hope today is a great day! Can’t wait for Sunday! Love you!!!!
72. Happy Birthday Winn-holt my wife hope your day is filled with love and joy love you, friend
73. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend! I can’t believe come May we haven’t seen one another for 5 years! I can’t wait to dance and drink on the trains with you one day soon!
74. Happy 22nd birthday to one of my forever friends. Love you so much. I do not own rights to this music*
75. Birthday treat! Can’t wait to celebrate his birthday with friends and family today.
76. Happy Birthday my lovely friend! You are the best genuine and wonderful person. I hope you are having the best day, I can’t wait to see you again, and cannot thank you enough for always being so supportive and kind!! I’m so happy I finally got to meet your hubby he seems just as lovely as you!
77. Happy 10th birthday. so lucky to watch u grow up thanks for being the best cousin to the kids and also lucky your mommy is my best friend.
78. Super happy birthday my friend. May God continue to bless you with many more happy years of the day! Thank you for your friendship. Love you, my friend! We miss you lots!
79. Happy Birthday my beautiful friend, Wish you were here to celebrate your special day with everyone. Miss you so much.
80. Happy 20th birthday to my best friend, the love of my life, and my partner in crime. Love you. So glad God brought you into my life.
81. Happy birthday, friend! I hope you see some cool bridges today. Enjoy your day.
82. Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime. I’m so happy that you came into my life. Best wishes on your great day.
83. Happy birthday to my good friend.
84. Happy Birthday to one of the finest Sergeant + FTO + Medic I get to learn from and one of the most amazing women I am lucky enough to call my friend.
85. Thanks for Celebrate her birthday with many friends and keep the tradition of the music institution alive.
86. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND!!! no matter how old I get I still learn from you. You’ve shown me what it is to be a great mother and friend. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me all these years.! I LOVE YOU MORE THEN YOU’LL EVER KNOW.
Religious Birthday Wishes
Here we have shared the best collection of unique birthday wishes. SMS Quotes. Check below

87. And in the spotlight today is a very special TSW Texel boar born on a best friend, birthday a few days ago. what can I say about someone so amazing? I really feel like meeting you was a blessing because our 7 years of friendship have been nothing but bliss! You’re a loyal person, an awesome Godmother, and I am lucky to have you as a friend! Happy Birthday!!!! And your happiness makes me happy B!!! Lol enjoy your special day boo
88. Happy Birthday to my best friend of 15 years. Proud of who you’ve become and still becoming. Ain’t shit like having a friend you can take over the world with. Now, we to the clicker!!!!
89. Happy birthday to my dear friend and an amazing husband, father, and friend love you more each day.
90. Happy Birthday to one of my soulmate friends you know I love you hope your day goes well hope I see you soon.
91. Happy Birthday to the sweetest daughter! Happy birthday baby girl and my girl best friend!
92. Off to celebrate the 40th birthday of my oldest friend. She is the only friend I have who remembers me when I only spoke Japanese. Here is to another 50 years, Beth!
93. Wishing a Happy Birthday to one of my best friends!! We’re getting smarter, not older. Have a special day! Love you lots.
94. Happy Birthday to my best friend/sister and my little cousin. Hope you both have an amazing day! Love you so much.
95. Had a good time with family and friends at my niece’s house for her birthday.
96. In light of everything that happened at home, I’m just very grateful to be able to celebrate another birthday with my friends and family. Thank you, everybody, for all the love, support, and happy birthday wishes over the last couple of days
97. Happy birthday to my best friend ever!! 25 baby time to party and win some money at the casino!
98. Happy birthday to my husband, best friend, other half, and lovely father! You’re 25 now and it’s weird to think that I met you when we were 19. We’ve come so far from getting great jobs, having a beautiful daughter, getting married & we just moved into our very first house. In just 8 more days it’ll be our 6 year anniversary and although it feels like much longer and things have been rough, I can’t wait to spend 100 more with you.
99. Happiest Birthday to my best friend, my husband.. you make my heart enjoyable everyday
100. Happy Birthday, Mom. We are truly blessed to have you as Mom, spiritual advisor, friend, and counselor for all your kids, friends, and family. You have been there for us whenever we needed you and I will never forget you walking in Huron road hospital when I could only lay flat and helping me eat. Thanks for being my rock.
101. Happy Birthday, Friend I hope you enjoy your day.
102. Happy Birthday, friend! Hope you have a lovely day.
103. Celebrating big 40! Happy Birthday, friend! Enjoy your Good times!
104. Better Late Than Never Happy Birthday Friend Miss You lots.
105. Happy Birthday friend wishing you the best today and always!!!
106. Happy Birthday, friend! It’s been a long and exciting roller coaster since I met you and even though we don’t see each other much or talk often you’re still my Bitch at heart
107. Happy Happy Birthday friend, Enjoy your special day. I miss you. God bless you always.
Happy Birthday Wishes for a Best Friend
Do you want to wish your best friend? Then you need the best birthday wishes for your best friend. Check below we have a good collection of birthday wishes for friends.

108. Happy birthday, friend enjoys your day with your loved, ones.
109. Our daughter celebrated her birthday with friends and family. We love you and wish you all the best in life ahead.
110. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To the greatest, best friend I have in the world! Yes, it’s true, it’s my wife! I won’t tell you how old she is, but suffice to say she is younger looking than me! I love you, babe!
111. Oh, how I love my friend!! If you haven’t wished her a happy birthday yet, please stop by her page and do so! Thank you!!!
112. Happy Birthday to my husband who manages to drive me crazy every day !! family and friends, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
113. I wanted to give a Big Shout Out to All My Family & Friends for all the Happy Birthday Wishes. Had an Awesome Birthday Dinner. Opened up some of the best gifts and then the Real Began with some Family and Friends
114. Having fun at our friend’s birthday party! happy birthday, bro! I hope you like the surprise!
115. Had a great birthday celebration last night with great friends!! Thanks to everyone who helped make me feel so great.
116. It’s your birthday YAY!!! Party like a rock star in Switzerland HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FRIEND!!!
117. Happy Birthday to our friend! Love you! God bless you always.
118. Happy Birthday to my wonderful friend and partner in crime! Hoping you’re having one of the best days!!
119. Is a gift for us to celebrate your 25th year of life.Thank you for allowing us to shower you with love. Happy Early Birthday!
120. Happy birthday, mom. and his friends singing happy birthday.
121. Happy 22nd Birthday !!! Birthday breakfast with and Friends.
122. I have the best friends in the world, thanks for making my birthday special!
123. Thank you for all the happy birthday wishes for my son… We celebrated with family & friends. See you soon.
124. Today is a very special day -Today is the birthday of my sweetheart and best friend’s birthday Hey H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y and Many M O R E!
125. Happy birthday to my dear friends and coworkers. Have a great day.
126. Celebrating this bug’s 23rd birthday with and friends!!! Hard to believe 22 years have gone so quickly! We love you kiddo and are so happy that we get to celebrate these special moments with mom, dad, and your brothers!! Happy Birthday!!
127. Happy Birthday to my dear Friend & the love of my life! I can’t imagine life without him! So grateful for his unconditional love and for being the most incredible, & Father ever!!! Babe, I Love You Always & Forever.
128. Happy Birthday to my best friend here’s to many many quarter centuries more.
129. Happy Birthday to my good friend. You are a great friend and we always have a Blast when we go out and about. Keep being fabulous. Thank you very much, excuse me bye. Happy Birthday and God bless you.
130. Happy Birthday to my best friend, husband, lover! This past year has been a blast! We have some pretty lovely memories and can’t wait for the years to come! The boys and I love you and are so proud of the sacrifices you make for us daily. Love you from my heart!
Happy Birthday greetings
Here a beautiful collection of happy birthday greetings, birthday wishes, quotes. Wishes your favorite person with lovely birthday wishes.

131. Happiest birthday my best good friend. So excited to celebrate your birthday at my happiest place.
132. My friends are the worst. Birthday powder surprise.
134. Happy birthday to my best friend, best little brother, and one of the best uncles In the world, you create so many laughs, smiles, and entertainment in our lives! I am so grateful for your baby brother! Thank you for creating so much magic in our lives.. with or without your wand!
135. Birthday boy likes country so we Are hitting” the Ranch, Happy Birthday
136. Happy birthday to my beautiful sweet lady friend!
137. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend and the most loving, patient, lovely husband I could’ve ever wished for! Every day with you is Magic. I LOVE YOU.
138. A much-missed friend had a tradition of having “I Touch Myself” sung to guys on their birthday at his karaoke shows… Sorry, the sound sucks so bad.
139. Happiest of birthdays, my friend. Welcome to the other side. Have a good day.
140. So I feel really GOOD about myself today… I was just told that I was the third name on a child’s list of friends for his birthday party… SAY WHAT.
141. Happy 15th birthday to my son, Ty, and his girlfriend! Have fun today at the Happiest Place on Earth!
142. FB help me wish my good as a friend a happy birthday My friend, I hope you have a glorious morning, a beautiful day, and an exhilarating night on your birthday! Hurry up and come
143. Happy happy birthday to this very special friend… God has blessed and blessed you more. I am so happy for you and proud of you. we miss u here but will see you during your special day. love you. #Batch 60
144. Happy birthday to one of my very best friends in the whole entire world!!!! You are so special to all of us! When I think of the life that you and I have been through I laugh, I cry, I laugh some more!! We have won together, we have lost together, we have been through life’s toughest challenges and biggest triumphs, you have cheered me on and I have cheered you on.
145. Happy birthday, sis!! I’m so happy to have a friend like you in my life a friend who has been there for me thru it all, a friend I can family with because you are more than just any friend with 10 years of friendship and much more to come. I wish you nothing but the best in life and may and your hopes and wishes come true! Love you best friend.
146. A huge thank you to all of my beautiful friends for all the happy birthday wishes you made my day! Love you all.
147. Happy Birthday to one of my very best friends and maid of honor!!! I am really thankful that you are such a big part of my life and that I have you by my side for one of the biggest years of my life! They say we meet special people along this amazing journey for a reason, and I am so glad I met you!! Hope you have the most lovely day beauty!!!!
148. Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend_ I love you so much, I hope you have an amazing day, see you later tonight.
149. Celebrating this bug’s 23rd birthday and friends!!! Hard to believe 23 years have gone so quickly! We love you kiddo and are so happy that we get to celebrate these special moments with mom, dad, and your brothers!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
Inspirational Birthday Wishes
Birthday is one of the best ways to inspire your friend or loved one. If you want to inspire your loved one, then you need the best inspirational birthday wishes. Here you can find the best birthday wishes.

150. Happiest birthday my best friend. So excited to celebrate your birthday at my happiest place
151. Happy 26th Birthday to the greatest brother in the world. You’ve been my best friend in the world since day one. I hope you have the best day and feel loved today.
152. Thank you to all Friends & Family For the Birthday greetings. You’re all too kind! Love you all!
153. Have a great day with family and friends! Happy birthday my dear friend!
154. Happy 50th birthday to my dear husband! Through all the peaks and valleys and everything else that life has thrown at us, you always remain my best friend and such an amazing daddy to our little boy. You are and will always be my true beloved. I love you lots.
155. Happy birthday to my daughter and talk custody child and thanks your friend family Facebook for support for me.
156. Having a Great time with mastermind friends Celebrating Lety’s 60th birthday.
157. Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend! Love you girl lets get this Bday weekend started!!
158. He wanted to celebrate his birthday with a few of his friends. Happy birthday.
159. In honor of my friend’s birthday…..a short video of a very enjoyable afternoon/evening we just spent with them!
160. Happy birthday to my BFF. spending time with friends and my sister.
161. Celebrating my birthday with my great friends. Thank you for celebrating with me. Love you all to the moon and back.
162. Another year…Happy Birthday, another year of good music, good friends & great memories!
163. Happy Birthday to my brother in law, compadre, and friend!
164. Happy birthday to my beautiful friend, the night is young !!
165. Big birthday blessings to my friend: Great gratitude for the mutual love of our beloved.
166. Happy birthday to my best friend!! Can’t believe I’ve been around for 21 years to celebrate your life!!! I love you! Oh and I guess happy birthday to my dear friend also.
167. Going to be an awesome fun exciting night!!!! Happy birthday to my friends that have birthdays today, going to celebrate hard tonight!!!! Happy birthday
168. Just stop by to wish my good friend a happy birthday.
169. So blessed to have great friends. Thank you for my birthday happy hour.
170. Happy Birthday. You’re so far away but yet your still very close to my heart. Love you and miss you, Friend. Hope you’re having a blast, in your new home. So proud of you for following your dreams. Just know that you’re so missed and loved.
Funny Birthday Wishes
Make your friend’s birthday more funny, enjoyable, memorable with funny birthday wishes. Here some funny birthday wishes for friends.

171. Had a great time celebrating the birthday last night. She is the most humble sweet loving and loyal friend…and a mighty woman of God. Love you girl.
172. Celebrating a wonderful birthday event with great friends, fine dining Italian style.
173. Happy Birthday! I’m So Lucky To Have A Special Friend Like You May All Your Birthday Hopes &’ Wishes Come True! I Can’t Believe You’re Finally 21 This Means Party Party. I Love You To The Moon and’ Back Bitch. Don’t Let Anyone Ruin Your Big Day.
174. Happy birthday to this amazing girl .thank you for being a good friend, I hope you have a great day today.
175. Happy birthday my dear friend. May you be blessed with many more years!!
176. I want to wish a dear friend I very Happy Birthday today. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday today.
177. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPIEST of birthdays, my friend!!!
178. Happy birthday to you from my soul! hope you’re having a great day with friends and family. God bless you always.
179. Happiest of birthdays to my wonderful, lovely, and best friend! 25 has never looked so good, and I’m so thankful I get to celebrate another birthday with you I love you so much, have a wonderful day today.
180. Happy belated birthday to my friend!!! I hope you had a great day. We miss you! You have to come to the house soon!
181. Happy birthday!!! My dear friend hope this day and beyond is filled with love and joy For you and your beautiful family
182. Happy birthday beautiful friend! Have a fantastic day always!
183. Another happy birthday today goes out to a dear friend. Hope you have a great Birthday. Lots of love sent your way.
184. Happy Birthday my dear friend! I hope you have a blessed and amazing day!
185. I would like to thank all my family and friends for the happy birthday wishes, I am truly blessed
186. Always fun hanging out with friends Again happy 20th birthday, hope you enjoyed the entire day.
187. Happy Birthday to you our good friend !! I look forward to celebrating your bday with you for many more years.
188. Today I have the honor to celebrate my best friend! Happy birthday. Your loyalty, humility, and love for adventure are a few of the many characteristics that makes you my favorite person in the world. I cherish you, love you, and thank God for you. You are a gift to this world, to me. We wish you an amazing day!
189. Happy Birthday to one of my best friends through thick and thin and through all the memories! Our friendship has come such a long way and I know things will never change! All our rip sessions and partying to being pregnant and becoming moms! Love you Jess hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it!
190. How I missed this….. Happy birthday, friend!! Hope your day was awesome and this weekend the party keeps going! Here’s to another year of blessings happiness.
191. Happy Birthday, the friend, hope it’s been a great one day.
192. Happy happy birthday to my best friend and my maid of honor!!! I hope you have a great day!!!!!
193. Happy birthday to the best friend in the whole wide world! I hope your day is perfect. Well at least as close as possible since you won’t see me I love you lots.
194. Happy birthday to a beautiful amazing girl I have ever had the pleasure of having as a friend. I hope you have an amazingly beautiful day.
Best Happy Birthday Messages And Sayings
Here the best collection of birthday messages, birthday wishes, saying. Say happy birthday to your friends or loved ones with lovely birthday wishes.

195. Happy Birthday, friend! I’m so glad God brought your family here so we could love you too! Hope this year is full of wonderful surprises and blessings!
196. Belated birthday dinner. Happy birthday, friend.
197. Happy birthday to one of my BEST FRIENDS!!!! I love you. Happy birthday, friend.
198. A very Happy Birthday to one of the dearest friends and sister a man in a wig could ever ask for. Love you girl!
199. Happiest of Birthdays to this girl!!! My best friend. Isaac says “Happy Birthday Aunt. We love you!!! I promise. No singing telegram this year.
200. Happy Birthday to my best friend, my beautiful angel up above… Celebrating the amazing life you had today and each day, I’ll never forget you and I’ll always love you.
201. Happy birthday to my beautiful bride and a very best friend. I love you Honey Bunny.
202. Had such a great day, spent celebrating my sister’s birthday, with friends and family. What a great group of ladies! Had such a great day, spent celebrating my sister’s birthday, with friends and family. What a great group of ladies!
203. Missing and thinking of you today and ALWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful best friend and guardian angel. I love you so much!!!
204. Happy Birthday to the prettiest dance partner I could ever ask for!! I am so thankful to have you as a friend and I hope you have a lovely day! We shall go out dancing the next time I see you soon!
205. Belated Birthday celebration! so blessed to have such great friends! Thank you to everyone that came out to this fabulous dinner and out after Thank you for all the love and your awesome cards.
206. Completing the last leg of14th Birthday. Spa Day with her friend. The amazing Rachael taught them about the importance of skincare and a tutorial on how to apply makeup properly then facials for each. They LOVED it. I think I created spa monsters.
207. Happy Birthday to my best friend! I’m so glad to have you in my life, and I hope you had as much fun on your early Birthday weekend as I did. I love you so much, dear.
208. The happiest of birthdays to this babe I like to call my best friend! Love you my little mini-me!
209. Go Birthday! Happy 27th birthday to my best friend! Enjoy today – we love you in Pittsburgh see you this weekend.
210. Dear friends and fam-Thanks for all the birthday messages! Birthday, Buctober, beers, and babe… I love 40!
211. I want to send a birthday shout out to a special person. She’s my good friend, more like a sister, and my neighbor. So if we need a cup of sugar we have got one another. Many know I don’t call a lot of ppl my friends. I’m glad to call you a friend. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your day try to relax. Love you! P.S. we need more images together, we’re always in charge of everything so we forget lol.
212. Happy Birthday to my best friend and an amazing brother! I have always looked up to YOU! Hope your day is as fantastic as you are. Love you!!
213. Happy birthday to my mum! Thanks for being my absolute best friend and I hope you have a great day! Love you! PS we need some updated pictures!
214. Happy Birthday to you! You are a beautiful caring wonderful mother and friend. You are My B. We’ve been thru so much together. You are a true friend and I have cherished our friendship for the past 18 years. HBD. I Loe YOU. Have a great day.!!!
215. A night out with my friends. Happy Birthday!
216. Happy 40th Birthday to my Uncle/ /Friend We all had a good time celebrating your Birthday not once but twice!!!! May God continue being a blessing in your life!!!
217. Happy birthday to an amazing husband and friend I love you with all my heart enjoy your day.
Short Birthday Wishes

217. Got a chance to talk to my friend to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
219. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your day my dear friend.
220. Happy Birthday,! Hope you enjoy your day my dear friend.
221. Say Happy Birthday to my friend wish you much more
222. Happy birthday to my 12D oriented turned friend. 20 looks good on you!
223. Happy Birthday to my beautiful best friend!!!
224. Happy Birthday to my first female friend! She taught me Faith in, God; family, and friendships. Today I miss you more! Love you, dear! Thank you.
225. Celebrating the birthday of my very good friend. It was a very enjoyable evening… Happy Birthday, Queen.
226. Happy Birthday, friend!!! Wishing you have a lovely, amazing day.
227. Happy birthday friend We love you so much.
228. Happy Birthday, Friend! Enjoy your day!
229. Happy Birthday, Friend! Hope you’re enjoying your special day!!
230. Happy birthday to my good friend. Let’s drink to the next 50- LOVE YOU!
231. Happy birthday my friend! Much happiness today and always!
232. Happy birthday to one of my very best friends. You are such an amazing person inside & out and I am so lucky to have met you! Have a great day girlfriend!!
233. This is the best friend I could ever ask for! Happy birthday, dear. love you always lots.
234. Happy birthday to my best friend, I love you & hope you enjoy your day.
235. Getting to spend my birthday at Disneyland with my awesome boyfriend and great friends!
236. Happy Bday to our dearest friend. May you have more Bdays to come. God Bless enjoy your day.
237. Have an amazing birthday my sweetheart friend!
238. Happy birthday! Thank you for the dinner!!!
239. Happy 18th birthday to my best friend I love and miss you so much and Aunt ll & Uncle can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
240. Happy Birthday to my brother and best friend. Enjoy your special day.
241. Birthday breakfast with my best friend. Hard to believe we have been dating or married for over 50 years. Happy Birthday, dear! Love you lots.
242. Happy birthday to my friend since forever hoping you enjoy your day love you girl.
243. Happy happy birthday to my best friend! So glad I got to see you this weekend Love you and Pittsburgh trips.
244. Happy 22nd Birthday! Thanks for being a good friend and roommate to Daulton and me.
245. Happy Birthday, family & friends. Also to daddy! Wishing you all much more!
246. 10 years ago when this little girl grabbed my finger I knew we would always be best friends… So let’s all scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY to today I love you, baby girl
247. Celebrating this spitfire of a lady! She is brilliant, beautiful, and REAL! A true one of a kind!! So thankful to have her as a friend! Happiest of Birthdays!
248. Happy Birthday to my best friend! I’m so happy to have you in my life, and I hope you had as much fun on your early Birthday weekend as I did. I love you so many dears.
249. Thanks to my friends and family for coming to Fonda’s birthday celebration I love you and my friend girl quit playing for DJ.
251. Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful happy birthday wishes! I am truly blessed with wonderful friends and a lovely family! All my love!!!
252. Happy 28th birthday to my partner crime, best friend in the entire world and big sister hope you enjoy your special day.
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