Wish your friends, family, and loved ones special Merry Christmas wishes, quotes, messages, greetings, and saying. Make this Merry Christmas more memorable, special. We are wishing you, your family, and your friends A Merry Christmas and an amazing Happy New Year. Here we have a wonderful collection of Merry Christmas wishes, messages, quotes, and greetings. You can edit this Merry Christmas wishes and greetings with your own words.
The best Merry Christmas wishes
1. Merry Christmas!!! Today was great!! I love it when I get to meet people I love and care about. I had a fun and wonderful time today!!!
2. Merry Christmas Eve from our family to yours.
3. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a safe and Happy Holidays!
I went on iTunes and looked at versions of Christmas songs. Everyone has done them!
My father died when I was really young, on Christmas Day.
I feel like people have been so used to listening to choirs during Christmas, so they love voices when it comes to Christmas, and that is exactly what we are.
Online, there’s no time. It’s always Christmas.
4. Merry Christmas to everybody that showed me love all year!!!Love you all! Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
5. Merry Christmas to all my Family and Friends. Off to work I go!!
6. Merry Christmas to everybody! Enjoy and many blessings to all of you.
7. Merry Christmas to all my dear friends and family. My supports and coworkers, my Angeles in heaven you missing. Have a bless and enjoyable day.
8. Merry Christmas to all my Facebook friends, Hoping Peace and Prosperity will come and blessed all of us in this year to come. A happy new year too!
‘A Christmas Story’ is my favorite Christmas movie.
Every singer eventually gets around to a Christmas disc.
9. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, enjoy, be Thankful, smile, laugh, stay safe!!!
10. Merry Christmas All, I thought Halloween and Thanksgiving came first but in the Market today I found these.
11. Merry Christmas, have a good day and Peace on Earth to all…
12. Merry Christmas to all! Sending love to everyone and peace to us all.
13. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends one love.

My parents were over the moon when I had some success with Christmas songs because that was the time of the year that meant so much to them. They were able to see their loved ones, and it was great to hear their son’s voice on the radio while they visited.
Pfft, I hate Christmas Day. It’s for children and families. Not for people like me.
14. Merry Christmas to myself. Christmas came early for me.
15. Mom, we good over here. Merry Christmas again.
16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Family and Continuity. I want to say thank you to everyone who has come out to all the conventions we did this year. We as in the whole family really enjoyed seeing everyone. Happy Holidays.
17. Merry Christmas to All!! Hope Santa is good to each and every one of you. God Bless you!
18. Merry Christmas FB friends enjoy your holidays be safe! hope everyone got what they wanted.
19. Merry Christmas to everyone I know and love. You guys are the greatest.
20. As Christmas draws near I would just like to wish you all a Merry Christmas from my family to yours. May it be filled with love, happiness, good health, laughter and Gods blessings. Merry Christmas.
You can’t allow the forces of political correction to shut you up. I mean, why are people afraid to say, ‘Merry Christmas?’ Give me a break. If people don’t like it, yeah, they can go do something else.
My dad was a proper old English gentleman, even though he was from the Caribbean. He used to stand up and salute during the Queen’s Christmas speech.
21. Merry Christmas to my FB family and friends a very Merry Christmas may you have a blessed day.
22. A very merry Christmas family and friends love you all and God bless.
23. From our House to yours Merry Christmas May all your days be Merry.
24. Have a great weekend everybody and Merry Christmas!!!
25. Merry Christmas to all!!! Love us, silly siblings!!
26. Merry Christmas to all my fellow Christians! Happy Holidays. Feel free to wish me a Merry Christmas! I’d appreciate that.
‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ are movies we love with magic in them.
Orphans, dead parents, lonely children at Christmas, morose spoken word recordings, everything you love about the holidays. Move the turkey over so you can fit your head in the oven.
From me growing up with a large family and everybody singing around the Christmas tree, it was a wonderful, wonderful upbringing.
27. Wishing a Merry Christmas to all my family and friends. God bless everyone.
28. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all of my family, friends, and customers! I hope you all enjoy your wonderful holiday!
29. Merry Christmas to all my friends and family back home can’t wait to wake up in the morning to the presents you all sent me.
Merry Christmas Greetings Messages
Also Check out our Happy new year wishes, new year quotes, new year messages, and new year greetings.
It was, you know, probably 80 degrees out in L.A., and my dad took me outside and there was snow. At the time, I thought, ‘Every kid doesn’t have snow in their backyard on Christmas?’
Finding the right amp can be a process, especially when you’re young and just starting out. When I was a kid, I had to rely on whatever I got for Christmas. Then my mom got me a Peavey VTM 120. I used that for a few years.
Around Christmas time, I passed by a Hot Topic at the mall. They had the Christmas decorations up in the front of the store with AC/DC and Metallica, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Bullet Club. So, we are certainly a part of pop culture.
I didn’t know the full dimensions of forever, but I knew it was longer than waiting for Christmas to come.
I love Christmas. I never used to. I didn’t hate it, but I could take it or leave it. But, as I got to the age of 25 or 26, Christmas became quite a big deal, and I love it now. I love food, and I love sharing time with people.

Britain’s passion for Christmas and huge white weddings dates from Victorian times – both were low-key celebrations before Victoria and her PR machine.
I do have a family, and I do have friends, and so-called friends, and acquaintances, and many other people I see only around Christmas time. Maybe they could vouch for me. Maybe they could testify to my existence and save a part of me that thinks I’m no better than a bag of potato chips.
When I cook for my family on Christmas, I make feijoada, a South American dish of roasted and smoked meats like ham, pork, beef, lamb, and bacon – all served with black beans and rice. It’s festive but different.
Top Merry Christmas Wishes for Friends
Check here top Merry Christmas wishes for your friends. Send this Christmas wishes to your best friends to make this special day more special.
30. Merry Christmas eve with my family..just missing my dear mom…
31. Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to my family and friends!!!
32. Merry Christmas my friends, I’m expecting some gifts from ya all lol.
33. Merry Christmas everyone – Enjoy your day, enjoy your family, smile, laugh, good health and take it all in!! You’ve earned it. Merry Christmas
34. Merry Christmas! So excited for our first Christmas with January!!
35. Merry Christmas to friends and family near and far. We love you.
36. Merry Christmas to all of my friends and family!!!! Love you all and enjoy!
37. Merry Christmas and happy holiday to all my facebook friends and family.
38. He, who has no Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. Merry Christmas!
39. Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays from cold NY!! Layer 1 of 16.
40. Merry Christmas Eve! Ready to celebrate our favorite holiday with the family.
41. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and wonderful New Year! Enjoy spending time with your families!!
42. Merry Christmas to my loved ones, family, friends, and relatives, sisters and brothers in Christ, co-workers. God bless us all.
43. Merry Christmas To Everyone … I Wish Happiness. Love. Good health, More Money & success.
44. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends. May Santa bring you bags of joy and happiness and health for the new year. From my family to yours.
45. Merry Christmas to all my lovers! May this holiday brings you joy and happiness.
I’m a physicist, and we have something called Moore’s Law, which says computer power doubles every 18 months. So every Christmas, we more or less assume that our toys and appliances are more or less twice as powerful as the previous Christmas.
I hate feeling full, so Christmas is about the only time I really stuff myself.
The word of God is very important to Christmas. For unto us a child was born, and we should be reminded of how Christ’s amazing journey came to be.
The first music I was ever exposed to was Irish folk music, like the Clancy Brothers. My father plays that and Christmas songs.
46. Merry Christmas, here’s a real TBT, and one of the few baby pictures of me.
47. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all of my friends and family on FB!
48. Wishing all of the beautiful dogs and their people a very Merry Christmas.
49. Merry Christmas!! Wishing everyone a beautiful, loving and joyous holiday with those you hold dear!!
50. Merry Christmas from your loved ones! Another awesome office party in the books! Virtual reality, classical violinist, pizza, great drinks, amazing people!
51. Merry Christmas all my friends and family out there! Hopefully, Santa treats you good! God bless you all!
52. To all my Family and Friends Merry Christmas. may the blessing of God be always with you?
53. Merry Christmas to my lovely Facebook family/friends and may the new year bring prosperity, wealth love and good health to you all.
54. Merry Christmas everyone! May peace and joy be with you.
55. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. I wish you all the best for you, your family and your relatives.
56. To my family and friends, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy new year. Enjoy and be safe!!!!
Once I found out that I was playing ‘Deathlok,’ I unearthed my old comic book collection. I was going home for Christmas, and I have a collection of thousands of comics. I was surprised to see that 90% of them were Marvel. So, I wanted to go through my collection and start there.
I don’t think of Home Depot as romantic, but I do think the Christmas wonderland they put up during the holidays is magical. That is what Home Depot is to me, and that is the only romantic thing about it.
Every Christmas, all around Ghana, there are tons of these parties and they are full of everything that exists in human life in Ghana and worldwide.
57. To my family and friends all over the world have a very lovely Merry Christmas.
58. Wishing all my Family friends and customers at Nicole Kelly’s Pub a Merry Christmas and A Happy New year 2021.
59. Wishing my Family and Friends a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!
60. I Want to wish all my. Family and friends a Merry Christmas and happy holiday.
61. Merry Christmas to my lovely Friends and Family. Lots of health and happiness!
62. A Christmas miracle has blessed our home. Finally, a baby to call our own. We’re due In June, so we just have to say have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
63. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my FB family. I wish each and everyone Love and Happiness for the New York 2021. God bless us all.

I make personal appearances around the country. I’m starting a book tour now, and I may be coming to Toronto with the Learning Annex, which I’m doing all through the United States, so that may come up just before Christmas.
It’s quite a famous story that takes place on Christmas Eve, and the Germans, French, and Scottish are trying to make peace one night and they bury their dead and they play football. I play a German opera singer, in German, which I never have so I am really excited about that.
In the morning, Daddy and I get up at six o’clock because Christmas trees must be bought in the dark. We walk to the other end of town, as the big harbor is just the right setting for buying a Christmas tree. We spend hours choosing, looking at every branch suspiciously. It’s always cold.
My son is a tree surgeon and gets me a lovely tree. I like to put it up early, as I can’t wait for Christmas. We dress it with decorations that have been in the family for years.
Cool Merry Christmas Wishes for Family
Check here wonderful merry Christmas wishes for your family. Wish you family members with cool Christmas quotes.
64. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my friends and family!!!
65. Spreading love from our home to yours, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2021!!
66. A very Merry Christmas from the NYC PUNISHERS LEMC President, First Lady & 3 little badasses.
67. Have you ever wondered how to say “Merry Christmas!” in different languages? We got you.
68. Sit back, relax, and cozy up around the “fire” — Merry Christmas.
69. In this not-so-merry Christmas message, just said what we’re all thinking: “2020 has been a big pile of sh*t.”
70. We wish you and your family a SPAMAZING and Merry Christmas!
At our house, we’d always open presents with our Christmas records playing. ‘Little Drummer Boy’ was one of my favorites when I was a kid because it was about a kid.
I was a public aid recipient for about nine years as a kid, and this time of year was always tough sledding, so I just committed myself to do something good for someone at Thanksgiving, and especially Christmas.
As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. ‘Pears like I didn’t do anything but pray for ole master. ‘Oh, Lord, convert ole master;’ ‘Oh, dear Lord, change dat man’s heart, and make him a Christian.’
When I first came out, the holidays were hard. I reached a point where I didn’t go home anymore. I constructed my own, kind of like, the family group around Christmas.
71. The most epic Christmas movie scenes of all-time — COMMENT with your favorite and Merry Christmas!
72. Merry Christmas in advance to all the fat ladies on my friend’s list.
73. Merry Christmas! Day one of the 12 Days of AGT is finally here one new judge!
74. Merry Christmas! I know. Only Nov 10th. But you can’t help it here!
75. Merry Christmas from my home to yours.
76. Lights, camera, Christmas! Happy Merry Christmas from the International Center of Photography.
77. Someone wished me a Merry Christmas and then started apologizing because she forgot…I would never get offended if someone wished me Merry Christmas. If someone is kind enough to wish me well, that’s all that matters!
78. I’m seriously singing my lungs out Merry Christmas at 10 pm night lol.
79. Merry Christmas. Thank you, Veronica Hatcher, for the wonderful Christmas dinner.
80. Merry Christmas to all my Family and Friends.
81. Thank you for coming to class today I appreciate you ….merry Christmas to lovely ladies.
82. Today is Christmas Day; Let’s act like a child again and enjoy the magic of Christmas. Merry Christmas Everyone.
83. Good Morning. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year I Want Hear it back to.
84. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to all the Victorian History members.
85. I WAS having a Merry Christmas. Until today, when my Hospital Bill from last month’s kidney episode arrived in the mail. Christmas.
86. Memories make the best gifts of all! And no wrapping required. Merry Christmas!
87. Merry Christmas from Patrick while he sits on the Minnie potty in a princess robe.
88. My girls are so excited that our house made the paper!!! Merry Christmas!!
89. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah to all my family and friends.
90. Merry Christmas to my amazing friends and the great family, complete with train announcements.

Come, Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dads. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there.
I grew up in a reform Jewish family in St. Louis. Our idea of Judaism was no bar mitzvahs and a Christmas tree that had a skirt at the bottom embroidered with the names of my grandparents.
Without social networks, you’re not the coolest thing on the Christmas list, and you’re not getting any bite.
I got given a pair of Christmas socks with penguins on. They know you’re obviously not going to wear them. I think they do it just to annoy you, to be honest.
Some bands today have the experience of really working together and honing their craft. And other bands are very much like, ‘I just got a guitar for Christmas, let’s start a band.’ And you can hear the difference.
Christmas Wishes Quotes
91. The best of all gift around any Christmas tree. The presence of a happy family. Merry Christmas from us to you.
92. Merry Christmas to ALL my friends who celebrate it peace & love.
93. Merry Christmas friends! May your holiday be filled with joy, love, happiness and magical moments!
94. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah from our home to yours.
95. Ok, now that that’s over. “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.”
96. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas..don’t drink and drive..don’t clean up after lazy slobs…and enjoy your beautiful life to the fullest.
97. Merry Christmas -My Princess and her Boyfriend Just Got Him for Christmas I’m In Love and Didn’t Even Officially Meet him yet.
98. Finally finished decorating. Merry Christmas from our home to yours!!
99. From our Family to yours Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy 2021!!
100. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friends! I wish you to make your wishes come true in 2021!#MerryChristmas #Happy2021
101. Merry Christmas friends!!! From my family to yours!!!
102. Monday night, what is everybody having for Dinner? Tis the season we can now say Merry Christmas again?
103. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
104. I’m out of here! Going skiing with my kids Merry Christmas to all!
105. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer today!! We are a family. If you are my friend or my family hit the like button, say Merry Christmas and copy this to your status.
106. I just rode past a guy getting road head. Merry Christmas, kids.
107. Merry Christmas from our place to yours. may Jesus be the reason for our celebration that brings Peace Joy n Love to everyone?
108. Feeling joyous…God did it again…prayer answering God…I AM BLESS…Jesus the reason for the season…Merry Christmas!!!
109. Just say it. “Merry Christmas!” Or “Happy Chanukah!” Give me that..or freaking “Happy New Year!!” Stop by this Happy Holiday.
110. Good morning. merry Christmas. let’s hope we bring home grandpa today.
111. Bought me a new 40 inches smart TV. Merry Christmas to me.
112. Merry Christmas to me. everyone meet Dottie thanks, mom, and dad!
113. Merry Christmas. Everybody them boys have fun working.
114. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you.
115. No, it’s a day early but I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas.
116. OMG!!! We have new family room furniture!! It’s been 16 years since we bought new furniture. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US!!!!
117. Avery’s foot poses a happen to fit the Christmas think a now me a Patrice fit this lol Merry Christmas peeps be merry.
118. Some images and videos from Christmastime in New York. Glad I got to experience it. Merry Christmas to all!

In 1970, my label decided I should do a Christmas album and I put a bunch of tunes together. We couldn’t decide what to call it and so I said ‘Why not just say Merry Christmas in Spanish? Feliz Navidad.’ They said, ‘That’s cool, Jose, but we need a title song.’ So I just sat down and started to play.
If you look at Christmas movies, there are certain things in them that lend themselves to a ‘Harold & Kumar’ movie. In particular, the more out-of-this-world things like Santa Claus and flying reindeer.
Swedes celebrate Christmas Eve. Every Sunday leading up to Christmas, we light a candle, then make gingerbread and saffron buns.
My daughter is 15. None of her friends know who the hell Chris Rea is, but they know that song – as soon as it comes on, they start singing it. I’ve played with everyone from Status Quo to Talk Talk, but nothing impresses them as much as the fact that I play on ‘Driving Home for Christmas.’
I suppose if you look back to your early childhood you accept everything people tell you, and that includes a heavy dose of irrationality – you’re told about tooth fairies and Father Christmas and things.
Merry Christmas Wishes Text Messages
119. I may be goofy, but I truly love to say “Merry Christmas“!
120. On this Christmas week may you all have peace in your heart. If you’re lonely or depressed let me know. Merry Christmas.
121. Thank you, for a gift and having us over. We had fun! Happy Birthday, again! Merry Christmas!!!
122. Ok… So our K.W. Christmas Tree is complete. Been at the office at 7 am every morning this week decorating the showroom. I’m officially done. MERRY CHRISTMAS. I love this time of year.
123. Today is the day. 3:30 dismissal then Christmas recess begins!!! Wishing my students and their families very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
124. Riley wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Merry Christmas to all.
125. To all my lovely FB friends and family I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2021, let’s give peace a chance!!
126. My PS 19 family Merry Christmas thank you to my Manager Pat love you and to my staff, things get crazy at times but we are there for each other thank you.
127. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy new year 2021, Happy Kwanzaa. whatever you celebrate enjoy this time with your friends and family.
128. Can you believe that Christmas is one week from today? After 4 newscasts this weekend with my co-anchor Eric Shawn, I’m signing off ’til the New Year 2021!
129. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday week filled with love and happiness (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa! and a safe, healthy happy New Year 2021!
130. Thank you, Everyone, for your Wishes!!! May we all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
131. Ho! Ho! Wishing all my best friends a blessed and Merry Christmas! May 2021 bring you lots of love and joy. I am in New York, preparing for my Carnegie concert. Taking a break from rehearsal and being a tourist. Christmas lights at Rockefeller center is so pretty!
132. Merry Christmas to me! My brother got us tickets to see The Color Purple on the broadway with… JENNIFER HOLLIDAY!
133. Merry Christmas to my family and all of my friends and relatives. May joy love and peace reign in your hearts and homes.
134. School party READY! Love you all and my Little Lady. Merry Christmas!
135. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. May your holiday be a joyous and wonderful one.
136. Merry Christmas! Happy new year! Happy Holidays! From this crew.
137. Merry Christmas my great mom. Christmas is not the same without you.
138. Merry Christmas all! I was never very good at tree trimming.
139. From our house to yours. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, love, joyous New Year!
140. Merry Christmas from NYC to you and your families! Sending you all love and light.
141. Wishing all my family and friends a Merry Christmas & a Happy and Healthy “2021”
142. To all my friends old and new have a very merry Christmas and a fit and healthy new year.
Christmas Wishes Images
Contemplating Christmas when you are isolated and far from home brings its own unique pain.
I love Christmas. I love music… I love everything about Christmas. I’m a big fan.
My parents were kind of overprotective people. I and my sister had to play in the backyard all the time. They bought us bikes for Christmas but wouldn’t let us ride in the street, we had to ride in the backyard. Another Christmas, my dad got me a basketball hoop and put it in the middle of the lawn! You can’t dribble on the grass.
I used to go to the school plays my kids were in, and who were the angels at Christmas time? The blonde, blue-eyed girls. Who was Mary? And the shepherds were all the black and Indian kids in the background.
I still have the Triumph Palm Beach I was given for Christmas when I was 11. By today’s standards, it is heavy and slow but was my pride and joy at the time.

Short Christmas Wishes
I went to Sunday School and liked the stories about Christ and the Christmas star. They were beautiful. They made you warm and happy to think about. But I didn’t believe them.
Christmas is always a great time because I get to be around family and spend time with my brother, nieces, and nephews, so that’s what I plan to do. It’s great to disconnect from everything.
Nothing is as peaceful as when Christmas is over when one has been forgiven for everything and can be normal again.
I always liked it when people go back in time to discover things about themselves, like with ‘A Christmas Carol’ and you’re getting a tour of your life by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future.
Every July, I look forward to taping a Christmas show – in July in Nashville. In 98-degree weather. I love it.
I’m bad on Valentine’s Day, but even worse on Christmas. I go shopping at nine o’clock on December 24th every year. Nobody else is there. I’m in Toys’R’Us all by myself. I get there five minutes before closing.
143. Merry Christmas to my world champion Cubs friends and family!
144. This little one is wishing you all the best this Holiday Season! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!
145. The girls got their big present from Nana early! An art table! Merry Christmas!
146. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to ALL.
147. I know, I know – same as last year but I love it (each year). Merry Christmas!
148. Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
149. Good morning everyone Merry Christmas Eve has a blessed day.
150. Willow wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
151. Merry Christmas…May God Bless Us, Everyone-
152. Kicking off the Holiday weekend with my mom. Merry Christmas.
153. Merry Christmas from The Stewarts! Absolutely love our photos.
154. Merry Christmas Eve. Stay safe Y’all and god bless.
155. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all dear friends and family! The Windy City is also snowy and fun!
156. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends. Have a blessed and safe day. Love you all.
157. Merry Christmas And happy new year To all my friends around the world.
158. Merry Christmas Family & Friends. Love you. I hope everyone day is as Awesome as mines.
159. Merry Christmas to all friends and family! Hope you all have a great day.
160. Merry Christmas to my Prince Hall family and each and everyone on Facebook.
161. Merry Christmas!! she’s the only one that would take a picture with me.
162. I miss you so much post more pictures for you and your lovely family Merry Christmas.
163. Merry Christmas to family and friends you guys. Have a blessed year.
164. We wish our friends a very Merry Christmas. May you have the best day surrounded by all things joyous.
165. Happy Merry Christmas. Hope everyone is enjoying this day.
166. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends please be safe and enjoy love you all.
167. Merry Christmas everyone! Blessings, peace and good to all.
168. Merry Christmas with the Daddy Os! Come on down! It’s a wonderful Day!
169. I’m here wishing all my fans, friends and family a very happy Merry Christmas.
170. At the Headspace holiday party last night. Merry Christmas, everybody!
171. Merry Christmas!!! I will be here on Thursday night almost my birthday!
172. Merry Christmas everyone. I have got what I want for this day peace of mind and a nice nap.
173. A few missing employees!! But the best workers eve!!Merry Christmas dear.
174. Merry Christmas to all our family & friends.
175. It’s going to be a very merry Christmas! Santa has been!
176. Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas. And belly rubs to dogs everywhere.
177. Merry Christmas to family and friends may the spirits bright and peace to everyone !!!
178. Christmas dinner at mama’s house merry Christmas to all!! From our family to yours.
179. Merry Christmas. I got everyone this!! I hope that little one is calling Uber!!
180. From my family, Merry Christmas and happy new year. To everyone.
Best Christmas Messages for Christmas Cards
181. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my Facebook friends
182. Merry Christmas. May your troubles are few and your blessings abundant. Wishing every one of our friends and family a happy and blessed Christmas.
183. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer today!! We are a family. If you are my friend or my family hit the like button, say Merry Christmas and copy this to your status.
185. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
186. An annual holiday trip to see a Broadway show and enjoy a night in Manhattan with our family. Feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful life!!!! Merry Christmas!
187. My papa wasn’t feeling to well so mom and I decided to give him early Christmas present! Merry Christmas mom we love you!!!
188. Sing Along Friday, Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas my dad!!! Enjoy yourselves with your loved ones!!
189. God Jul – Merry Christmas from The Big Apple!! Great day visiting legendary Rockefeller Christmas Tree.
190. The decorations are done. Merry Christmas in heaven, Mom and Dad!
191. The true joy of Christmas celebrations is spending time with friends and family. Thank you for being an important part of that joy for me! Merry Christmas to all my Batch ’80 friends!
192. I do not give a flying whether people wish me Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy new year, Happy Holidays or anything else. They are not trying to convert me into celebrating what they do, they are merely wishing me well. How anyone could be offended by that is beyond me.
192. Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza and a wonderful New Year of hope and light to my family and friends!!
194. Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa, happy new year to everyone. Sometimes we got to let our heads outweigh our hearts. This is a good thought as we leave 2020. My heart doesn’t like to hear this but Acceptance is the answer to all my problems. Love you lots, everybody.
195. Charlie Brown is up. Merry Christmas and happy new year friends. 2021 is going to be positive, healthy, happy, love, and full of good blessings. Love you.
196. Merry Christmas to all my friends and family around the world!
197. My favorite tree presented this past week. Merry Christmas from me.
198. Pop I love you so much and I’m gonna deeply miss you so much. Merry Christmas and may you enjoy it in heaven. Bye, Mom.
199. I want to thank all my family and friends that reached out to us today. I’m blessed to have everyone in my life. Kiss and hug the ones you love.
200.I would like to tell everybody Merry Christmas and I am so thankful for my family and friends. We have little ones just coming into this world and old ones leaving it. I only pray that God will let us all enjoy this holiday season together and love one another.
201. Last shoot day of the year. Merry Christmas out there, let’s make ’18 a better one.
202. Merry Christmas. We’re almost a year here in the US since we left the Philippines. Thank you for being there for Me always!
203. Again Merry Christmas and a happy new year I’m out … love all of you guys I’ll see you next year.
204. I wasn’t hacked I did send you a mooning Santa. Merry Christmas I made you smile! If not you are too serious.
205. Finally done! Will surely add one or two more things, according to Mel. But it’s done. Merry Christmas!
206. Off to Asia for three weeks to celebrate the holidays. Merry Christmas to all!

Funny Merry Christmas Wishes
207. Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas From My Family To You, your friends & Your Family!!!
208. Merry Christmas to all from NY. Williamsburg Bridge, Freedom Tower and Empire State Building in the background.
209. Christmas is now in full swing at the household. Merry Christmas everyone.
210. Christmas Season 2020 in NYC, just Me and Mom! Merry Christmas Everyone!
211. I know I’m early but Merry Christmas baby!! Our own little guy!!!
212. Bad Santa never met these two! Merry Christmas!
213. My pride, my joy, and the cutest thing to ever exist! I love my son!! Merry Christmas!
214. Advance Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2021, Happy Valentine, Happy Birthday, Happy Easter and Happy Memorial Day! See you next year!
215. Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone from NYC. Carnegie Hall concert tonight. We are pumped!
216. Merry Christmas! I’m filling in on News 8 Today on this holiday so I was up very early. Thanks to everybody of the crew who also are also working on this holiday and making sure the show goes on. I made them some breakfast treats, Caramel French Toast and Egg and Sausage Muffin Cups. I plan on posting one of the recipes for today. Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday.
217. Now that the Election and Debates will soon be over–the Media can get back to the annual Debate of “Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!! My vote is Merry Christmas everyone!!! Have you been good or bad??
218. The tree is done. Many thanks to everybody. Merry Christmas! Cheers!
219. Did some shopping with the wife today and the best part about it was a number of times I was told MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Not happy holidays 2021, MERRY CHRISTMAS. It made me smile.
220. Merry Christmas, he’s coming home!
Please, no calls or visitors today – we are managing a LOT right now. I’ll continue to keep you posted as we move on to the next steps of recovery.
221. I had a blast last nights. A great shout out. Thank you, buddy, for putting this together. Love you all and Merry Christmas to all.
222. Merry Christmas Coming Soon Next Month Very Blessing Month My Favorite Month December.
223. Was this cat on the naughty or nice list? Merry Christmas!
224. Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to tune into the I Love Lucy Christmas Special tonight 9/8c!
225. I want a good man to close my year out. New beginnings, a fresh start. I’ve been good to bring him. Merry Christmas!
226. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends in the Philippines. I miss you all.
227. Christmas came early this year! Merry Christmas Andy! Hope you like it!
228. Well, they’re homemade. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
229. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! to all ~ love to you, all my friends ~ wishing you a wonderful holiday, cheers!!
230. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a New Year 2021 filled with health, happiness, and love.
Traditional Christmas Greetings
231. Merry Christmas!! May your days be merry and bright!!
232. Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!!! If you could ask for one guitar for Christmas, what would it be and why
233. Merry Christmas and happy holidays and happy new year to all my family and friends!
234. Merry Christmas to great Friends and Family. Enjoy this beautiful night with your loved ones.
235. Merry Christmas, from our home to yours! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
236. Merry Christmas from us to you and your family! Wishing you merriment and love today.
237. Finally, our remodeling is done and my Christmas decorations are up! Merry Christmas from our house to yours.
238. Merry Christmas everyone, God bless you and your family and friends.
239. Celebrating Christmas for the first time in our new house. Merry Christmas.
240. Merry Christmas to all! Looking forward to a wonderful day!
241. Merry Christmas from our home to yours. God bless you all!
242. Merry Christmas all wonderful FB friends of The Singing Zone! Wishing you peace, love, and joy.
243. Merry Christmas to my friends and Teammates! These people…They make it worth it!
244. I could only sleep for 4 hours after the 24-hour stream. Hope you guys are having/had a Merry Christmas, no stream tonight though.
245. Merry Christmas! We stayed in La this year and are missing our families. We are about to go for a jog then go see the movie JOY. If you are with your families today give them really long hugs.
246. Merry Christmas to dear Facebook friends!! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful time with your friends and family.
247. May you be filled with the Spirit of Christmas all year long Merry Christmas to all my FB friends.
248. Merry Christmas from Status family! May God bless you and shows you His love and grace.
249. Merry Christmas to me. Thank you love that’s why you’re my husband you know how to make me smile.
250. Merry Christmas. Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.
251. Merry Christmas to everybody shit hasn’t post nun till now.
252. I’m Jewish so if someone says Merry Christmas to me I WILL SAY THANK YOU because I’m not a fucking psychopath.
253. URL AND I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a wonderful 2021.
254. Merry Christmas! Happy holidays to everyone. Happy New Year. See you in 2021.
255. To whoever stole my package off my front porch! I hope you enjoy that decoration and my organic tampons. You can shove them both up your ass! Merry Christmas.
Religious Christmas Card Messages
257. My $40M listing is in escrow!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Couldn’t have done it and the team!! WE DID IT!
258. A family member I love dearly has been diagnosed with Cancer. Please add them to your prayer list. Thank you, God Bless you all, Merry Christmas!
259. I’m about to board my flight with a guy that has a cigar hanging out of his mouth. Merry Christmas.
260. Yes, I am. No, I’m not offended when you say Merry Christmas to me.
261. Hi, everybody, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah and happy new year and I don’t know what the Muslims do at this time I hope this celebrating with.
262. He makes me look like a professional photographer! I guess lots of treats help too! Merry Christmas!
263. Only 4 more children & family hours to go before I am finally done and begin preparing for a licensing exam!! Merry Christmas!
264. Wishing all of you, my wonderful family and dear friends a very Merry Christmas! And happy Hanukkah and happy new year!
265. It has been a Christmas tradition to go to the ballet “The Nutcracker”. The season! Merry Christmas to all!
266. We made it safely thank you, Lord. Thank you, everyone. Merry Christmas.
267. Drew Mahar just said the sexiest thing in the world to me”Cleaners will be here Thursday morning!” Merry Christmas to me!
268. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer today!! We are a family. If you are my friend or my family hit the like button, say Hi! copy this to your status. Merry Christmas!!
269. Our tree is perfect!!!! We added a new ornament to it!!! Thank you to my cousin’s amazing friend for making this for you and me!! Merry Christmas!!!
270. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, a Joyful Hanukkah, and a safe & exciting New Year 208. Sending love, gratitude, and peace from our home to yours.
271. Walking down the street and I came upon a Christmas. Merry Christmas from LA! It’s 80 degrees!!
272. Great time with great friends!! Thank you for your love and support & to all my sisters, I love you! Merry Christmas.
273. In countdown, hours of going to Cuba for all the beautiful SOULS out there, I wish you, Merry Christmas and a better NEW YEAR and too much more to come, see you next year my beautiful people ! love you all !!
274. Merry Christmas. I wish you laughter, I hope you have a happy day whether it be giving or getting, with family & out and about or quietly at home whatever it may be, Be good to yourself oh and no dieting, Christmas calories don’t count.
275. Evangelist Georgia Horton wishing you a Merry Christmas an bringing you a word for 2021 “SWITCH” yes tell your enemy it’s time to switch. God Bless you all.
276. Merry Christmas to all of you! January is just around the corner and our new president-elect will be sworn in. God bless President Trump, God bless you all and God bless America!
277. Merry Christmas! Over 32 years of this Holiday Celebration. Love you, my lovely sister!
Christmas Wishes For Him/Her
278. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer today!! We are a happy family. If you are my friend or my family hit the like button, say Merry Christmas….and copy this to your status.
279. Just wanted to say. May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.
280. Enjoying our son’s event at school. Mom and dad would never miss it… Merry Christmas friends…
281. Did I post these? I can’t remember. Anyway Merry Christmas.
282. I enjoyed helping America make this wreath!! Merry Christmas to all!!
283. Christmas Controversy. Just to clear things up. In business, I say “Happy Holidays.” With family, I say “Merry Christmas.” At home, I say “How am I gonna pay for all?”
284. Here’s an early gift for my Momma and my family who always ask for one more song. Merry Christmas everybody!
285. MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and everybody: From the Lakers’ fanatic here! This year, I’ve decided to just decorate the ‘guava tree’ in the front yard to join the Christmas season’s festivities. I thought some poor kids in the downtown. Need some cheering-up with little gifts rather than to impress passers-by with an expensive Christmas pine tree.
286. My new baby Merry Christmas to me! Thank you so much, my love, Thomas Allan I’m so happy.
287. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2021. God bless you and your family.
288. Here comes the whole “Merry Christmas” vs “Happy Holidays” debate. Who cares. Be happy. Believe in God? cool.. say Merry Christmas. Don’t believe in God? Cool, then don’t say it. No big deal. Get over yourselves.
289. I just wanted to say what a blessing u are to so many families thank u for all U do God bless u and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!
290. This chap was walking by my car in studio city. With my window down I said, “Merry Christmas” he leaned in and took my hand then Elsie’s and said, “Merry Christmas to you”. Got a love LA.
291. Love Christmas from my family to yours Merry Christmas.
292. I’m done with my Christmas decor. Merry Christmas everybody. It is so cold here in Los Angeles.
293. Merry Christmas!!!! There are SO many things to be grateful for. I hope everyone is spending today with friends and family. Love you all!!!
294. Let me be among the first to wish my family and friends and foes a very Merry Christmas.
295. On this day 25 years ago, our family was blessed with this cutie pie, and a very Merry Christmas it was for us!!!!
296. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my Facebook friends. Stacey and I are wishing you and your family all the beautiful things you want and deserve. Much success, love, and happiness.
297. It is the best time of the year every year until And Yes, Merry Christmas!
298. How beautiful of a job did my wife do on our Christmas tree? Merry Christmas.
299. Merry Christmas to all! Christmas with the family and my Boys is the best! Happy Birthday, Jesus Thank You for sharing your day with us!
300. Just cleaned out Costco of all their Grey Goose gift boxes. Nearly 100. It’s going to be a VERY merry Christmas.
Christmas Wishes For Clients
301. Merry Christmas to my friends… Oh, how I miss my boys and wish I would’ve woken up to them not letting me sleep then waking up in the hospital one more day without them. Spending the holidays in the hospital is not the best feeling and the pain I’m going through I do not wish it upon anyone. I hope soon I’m home with my three baby’s so I can finally be at peace.
303. Sending warm wishes to you and your family during this Christmas. May your home be blessed with love and happiness. Merry Christmas! Thank you for the beautiful photo!
304. Boss Billy Moss & The First Lady. Is Wishing Everybody A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!! Sending Blessings And Positivity To All Of Our FaceBook Friends.
305. My baby boy made it safe to El Salvador hooray … will miss you. Merry Christmas grandpa loves you so much.
306. This guy never ceases to amaze me!! What a great afternoon we had and a few unexpected creative encounters! Merry Christmas to my son and rock star! I love you so much!
307. Merry Christmas. they put them all in black just the way God ordained it.
308. Merry Christmas! I stopped buying gifts for people a long time ago because every adult I know has a job, happiness and can get themselves anything they want.
309. Merry Christmas to the wonderful world. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
310. Milo says I’ve been a good girl! Daddy and some missing treats say otherwise! Merry Christmas from our house to yours! Thanks for adopting!
311. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends and facebook friends. Enjoy your day everybody.
312. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year All over the world. I miss you so much. God Bless you all.
313. Merry Christmas to all my family and Facebook friend may everyone have an awesome and amazing Christmas.
314. I wish everyone A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for a great 2021. It was a pleasure servicing all First Time Buyers, Investors, and Sellers. May 2021be even greater.
315. Thanks to our very talented students, no one left today’s chapel lacking Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas everyone!
316. Merry Christmas. We are on our way to a Christmas party.
317. Merry Christmas! Wishing you Love, Peace & Prosperity!
318. Merry Christmas to me from my work mom!!!! I love you lots and Merry Christmas!!!!
319. Merry Christmas to all my friends and family! Things have been busy and I never got around to sending out our cards. So Here it is, MERRY CHRISTMAS.
320. Merry Christmas to everybody. I hope everybody enjoyed their Christmas.
321. Merry Christmas to all. Please be thankful for what you have and like don’t have cherished. What you have as family and people that show you, really love.
322. Merry Christmas! Cheesy Christmass waters make this last day before break Merry & Bright.
323. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and the best of the new year 2021. Good health and more blessings for the whole family!!!
324. Merry Christmas! Amazing Xmas day! Lunch under the tree, visit from the fairy and then got to meet Santa.
Merry Christmas wishes text
325. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer today!! We are a family. If you are my friend or my family hit the like button, say Hi! and copy this to your status. Merry Christmas and God Bless you all.
326. This Christmas Tree decorating is funnier then I thought. Just a couple dozen more ornaments and I am done. Whew Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays and happy new year to all.
327. A magical night, father, daughter annual Holiday shopping, carriage ride, and a wonderful dinner! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!
328. Merry Christmas to me! I wasn’t expecting this at all! WHAT!?! I’m still in shock…Thank you so much! Love you!
329. Merry Christmas to everyone!! Got what I needed for Christmas! She keeps telling me she loves me! tell me why I did feel in love with this lady! I’m telling you all the money are not all!!!! My heart is so full right now! took the day off to spend it with her! never ever take life for granted! This could easily be me or you! You all know we pass so many blessings and opportunities by! Because of we so selfish!
330. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From Our Family To Yours!!! FELICES FIESTAS A TODOS MIS AMIGOS Y BELLAS AMIGAS DE FACEBOOK!!!
331. Holidays at Cook County. Tree lighting ceremonies highlighting. Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays to all.
332. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend !!! Merry Christmas!!!!! Happy Holidays!!!
333. Floor seats Bulls season opener have been purchased! Merry Christmas, Happy new year! I’m not saying you have the coolest big sister ever but.
334. When you go see your son and he says Merry Christmas don’t send me anything this month through the midst of his troubled times he still makes sure he shows me this kid with All.
335. Peace out FACEBOOK land! Taking a break to focus on family & enjoy the holidays to the fullest! If you need to get a hold of me, text, FB SMS, call, hey let’s meet up for coffee even! Take care! Merry Christmas!
336. This is just some of the toys that will be donated to Toys for Tots in Kris’ memory. Thank you to everybody who donated & helped to give quite a few deserving children a Merry Christmas. This, my friends, is how we help our friend to “shine on”
337. Commercial break. Here’s Santa Clause with the new endorser of Starbucks. Merry Christmas to all !!
338. Good Morning Facebook friends, l need to go out and clean my car before round 3 of the snow starts. Still, need to eat breakfast first, so it will be a while longer. Merry Christmas!
339. Will not be posting for a week. I’m going away for Christmas with my family. Merry Christmas to you all and giving you the love of Jesus this season. Be Blessed and healthy!
340. Wishing all my Family and Friends a Very Merry Christmas. Thanking God for each and every one of you.
341. Happy to have the tree finished before we have out of town visitors in the next few weeks. Merry Christmas! Also Happy New 2021.
342. My 3 favorite things about Christmas morning. The cute faces When my kids open their gifts and the fact that there is only one more day for Christmas music on every station. Merry Christmas everybody!!
Have you noticed that almost all the change in the world goes to women? When was the last time you had a five pence piece? Exactly. In a Christmas pudding. All the rest of it is in women’s handbags.
When I was a child in England before the war, Christmas pudding always contained at least one shiny new sixpence, and it was considered a sign of great good luck for the new year to find one in your helping of the pudding.
At the heart of every really good Christmas movie is the threat, I suppose, to Christmas. Something is wrong with Christmas, in all of these movies. In ‘The Polar Express,’ there’s a kid that doesn’t really believe, and that’s the threat to Christmas. In ‘Santa Claus: The Movie,’ jealousy and greed are threatening to overrun his Christmas.
The joy of Christmas causes hundreds of radio stations around the country to play Christmas music all day, and people will exchange millions of gifts to remember the first gift of Christmas, the infant Jesus.
When I was a kid, I really wanted a metal detector for Christmas, convinced I was going to find buried treasure and could retire at 12. Santa Claus brought me one, but sadly, that treasure was never realized. It’s amazing how many bottle caps you have to dig up. But to be honest, that dream is still alive.
We even had a different word for Christmas in my language, Bengali: Baradin, which literally meant ‘big day.’
It can’t be overstated how wonderful it is not to have to audition anymore. Any actor will tell you, it’s like Christmas.
There’s been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.
Teachers complain a lot about how tough their job is. But, you know, the day begins in most schools at nine o’clock, ends at 3.30 P.M. They have six weeks’ holiday during the summer, two weeks’ holiday at Easter and at Christmas. Yes, they don’t just work when they’re at school, but even so, compared to a lot of other jobs, it’s not that tough.
I would like to go back and spend a Christmas with my family and myself when I was five years old and just see what that dynamic would be like. Observe it. I think it would be a magical gift.
My grandmother and mother were from Italy, so I was raised Catholic. That kind of just meant going to church on Easter and Christmas. I saw a radical transformation in my family when they started going to a Christian church. I watched them fall in love with God.
I would literally sit at home and have my friends take pictures of me on my little Canon camera that my mom gave me for Christmas.
I stopped going to Kingdom Hall, the church when I was 11 years old, so I was very young. They don’t celebrate birthdays, you get no Christmas, so it’s a very difficult religion for children to get into. And they do a lot of finger-pointing among the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
We no longer sing and dance. We don’t know how to. Instead, we watch other people sing and dance on the television screen. Christmas, which was once a festival of active enjoyment, has turned into a binge of purely passive pleasures.
Christmas brings us great music: Everything from Handel’s ‘Messiah’ to ‘White Christmas,’ to ‘I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.’
I have a musical called Goodbye and Good Luck, based on a Grace Paley short story. I also have King Island Christmas, and there are 20 different productions of it this year.
Christmas is a Christian holiday, and any self-respecting person of another religion should not celebrate a holiday that they don’t believe in. Clearly, Christ is in the name of the holiday, so there should be a belief in Him.
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Could anyone advise me regarding the deadline for Star Legal Training Contract Application? Happy Holidays from our family to yours