In this post, we have shared special Merry Christmas sayings, wishes, messages, quotes. Do you search for the best Merry Christmas wishes, sayings? Then you are in right place. Here you will find unique Merry Christmas wishes. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas Sayings And Wishes
Merry Christmas to all my loved ones, my family, and friends in heaven. You all were taken way too soon and missed so much. Thank you for Christmas.
Have a Safe and Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!
Great day at The Mandarin Food Bank Christmas Giveaway!! Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a CLEAN start to your New Year! Our self-service coin-operated laundry is open 24 hours for your convenience, and we look forward to seeing you. Enjoy the free WiFi.
When I was 11, I made truffle risotto for my family for Christmas dinner.
My son was 8 or 9, and he really wanted a gun. It was Christmas, and I said to my husband, ‘It’s time for a gun.’
I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions of them that are played to death in malls that make me sad. I try to avoid stores where they’re playing bad versions of Christmas songs on repeat.
Merry Christmas to me from my Family and I Love my beautiful flowers and candy cane bouquet.
Good Morning wishing everyone a Merry Christmas !! I hope it’s filled with joy and love !! Thank you, Tess and Luka O’Hara for another great photo.
Getting my boyfriend new drumsticks means he’ll play more and I get to watch him. Merry Christmas to me!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!
It’s that time of year again! Merry Christmas! From Florida!
I got my first instrument for Christmas when I was three or four years old. My parents got me a mandolin because it was the only instrument that would fit me because I was so small. I went straight from that into the drums when I was six, and then I started playing guitar when I was seven or eight.

Got their picture taken with Santa Paws today! They are wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!
A man that prays for you is worth more than a man that just buys you stuff….morning world, beautiful ladies go slay!! Merry Christmas!
The most challenging roles were Disney’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘Mars Needs Moms’ because they were both motion capture, so there was a lot of physical work involved.
I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It’s a huge part of my life.
‘Make your plate look like a Christmas tree,’ I tell people, ‘mostly green with splashes of other bright colors.’
Thank you for spreading Christmas joy our way tonight!!! Merry Christmas!
Still one of my favorite Christmas promos!!!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!
I love my family, I had such a blissful time. Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New Year!!
Me, Ian, Wendy, and the boys went to see dad today. Merry Christmas!! Sure do miss you.
Having dinner with Tommy and his family, and our gift exchange. Merry Christmas.
Special Merry Christmas Wishes For Friends And Family
We should celebrate Christmas throughout the year, but I believe the whole concept of giving was the basis of Christmas, that it was charitable, you know, giving, and I think we got carried away with giving.
Neither my mom nor my dad ever bought me any comic books. Certainly not for Christmas. I suspect that doing so would have violated the Parents’ Code.
At school, there was an annual school disco and I’d be standing in my bedroom wondering what to wear for hours on end. Eventually, I’d arrive at a decision that was just the most ridiculous costume you could have ever devised – I think it was probably knitted Christmas jumpers on top of buttoned-up white shirts.

Merry Christmas! And a wishing you all a blessed! Off Facebook!
Sandi and I are wishing all our family and friends a very blessed and Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays everybody!!
Please don’t get offended if you tell me Merry Christmas and I act as if you weren’t speaking to me.
Let’s have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and lots of good cheer.
5 more sleep! This is a photo of the last Christmas gift my father ever gave me: Merry Christmas!

I would like to take this opportunity to Miss Corporate America to wish you all a Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!
From my Family to yours. Merry Christmas! Stepping into the new year and what God has for us…This year has been a tough one.
We will be closed Friday and Monday the 26th for Christmas and also we will be closed on New Year’s Day I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.
Happy Birthday, my God, always bless you! Merry Christmas, and a Blessed!
Jerry Claus is Coming to Town ho ho ho Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I’m just saying.
Merry Christmas to all my Facebook Friends- Thank you all for being my friends.
I do get approached every day by people who say, ‘Why don’t you make more movies?’ I don’t really miss it when I get to go and watch my daughter in the Christmas pageant.
My mother was a not-too-devoted atheist. She went to an Episcopal church on Christmas Eve every year, and that was mostly it.
I write in my house, at my desk, where I have Christmas lights strung over it to try and convince me that I’m having a good time. I can’t really write anywhere else.

I would like to wish all my friends and family, especially the veterans, a very Merry Christmas and blessings for the new year.
Great time last night with my Girl Scouts before the break. Merry Christmas to them all and a Happy New Year!!!
“Our everything” is not found in “our doing,” but “His everything” is found in “our undoing” before Him. “Ahh…peace.” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to all our amazing family and friends! God bless you!
Merry Christmas to all my family and Friends I hope everyone a healthy and safe holiday.
I and momma wanted to wish all family and friends a very Merry Christmas and Bless You All, we are Blessed and we are Thankful!

APIC Christmas Play “The Tribute” My big sis…an original production once again!!Merry Christmas everyone…Jesus is the reason!
I intend to keep writing Christmas songs. There’s still a lot more about Christmas that can be captured and feel like old-time Christmas. A lot of the traditions haven’t been explained in song.
It will be a hard game if you think about winning a championship. We need to think about our own game at the moment and focus on getting good results, especially over the Christmas period.
When I was a kid, we would get McDonald’s’ on Christmas Eve, and that was a big deal because the closest one to the south side of Chicago was a 35-minute drive away. I remember opening the bag and smelling those fries, and even now when I smell them, it reminds me of Christmas Eve.
I think ‘Scrooge’ is the best of the Christmas stories. Every child warms to it because it’s about one man’s transformation. It’s saying that it’s never too late to change, and that’s a good feeling to have at Christmas.
Love my neighbors! So glad everyone came. Merry Christmas! Sorry I didn’t take more fun pictures!
Pretty good pizza & salad. With my youngest son. Cherishing the moment. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Amelia plumbing Christmas Party what a blast we had!
Annual Christmas ornament swap! Great family, taco soup was a hit and Desert galore…Santa even stopped by to see the kids (post the pic soon). MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Another tradition having dinner outside in front of the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Hair! Don’t forget to make your appointments!! The salon is closed the week for Christmas and New Year!!
Merry Christmas to all!! Wishing you all a magical time with your families!
Once again your Christmas party was fun fun fun! Thank you! Merry Christmas! Post some of the pictures.
As decorated as I think it’s going to get this year! Merry Christmas Happy Holidays and blessings from God to all!
I’m Jewish and my wife isn’t so right now we’re literally decorating a Christmas tree with Jewish stars draped around it.
Sometimes I wonder: What are the children thinking? And sometimes I wonder why the hell I’m not buying a tree like the other neighbors. After all, there is no mention in Christianity of Christmas trees, and even if there were – is there any good reason why I shouldn’t be buying some red stockings?
It’s a rare film that has staying power. ‘A Christmas Story’ is not just a funny movie but something that connects with people.
I remember when I was doing my first Christmas album, I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to find new Christmas songs?’ Then I went, ‘Are you crazy?’ When I decorate my tree I don’t want new Christmas songs, I want to hear all the familiar songs!
I have already done two Christmas films: ‘Elf’ and ‘Four Christmases.’ I guess I really am a sucker for Christmas. Both movies are really about the importance of family. I come from a brood of five kids, and it’s the one time of year we can all get together. It’s hands-down my favorite holiday.
When I grew up, we always had our chickens, and we ate our eggs, and we ate our chickens. The family always had a pig, and we would kill it at Christmas and eat it for three or four months afterward.
Comic-Con is a nerd Christmas. People go wanting to have fun.
I was thrilled one year when I was younger when not only did my brothers get hockey sticks for Christmas – but I did too!
Christmas lights may be the loneliest thing for me, especially if you mix them up with reindeers and sleighs. I feel alone. I feel isolated. I feel I do not belong.
I didn’t feel the need to rebel as a teenager. From age nine to 16, I went to school in Montreux in Switzerland, and it was heaven. I went to England for the Easter holidays, Cyprus for Christmas and summer holidays, and I was delighted to have that independence.
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