In this post, we have shared special Merry Christmas blessings – Christmas wishes, greetings. Are you searching for the best Merry Christmas wishes, blessings? Then you are in right place. Here you will find unique Merry Christmas wishes. We wish you a Merry Christmas! We hope you’re enjoying time with friends and family as we lead up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus!
Best Merry Christmas Blessings
Enjoyed a nice bonfire and great company tonight on Road! So many cars drove by to see the amazing lights with kiddos out the windows yelling, “Merry Christmas!” fun time!!
Thanks.Family for welcoming me to share a Christmas story with their second graders. What great interaction and questions. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from this sweet girl, who is still looking for her forever home. She just wants a warm place to lay her head this Christmas. Consider this older gal. 9 yo, UTD, Good w/ dogs and kids. She’s as goofy as they come but as sweet as can be…perfect combo.
Tom Petty sent me this amazing 12-string Rickenbacker, and ‘Not for You’ was the first time I used it. It was like a Christmas present. One day, it just showed up at my door. I called him up and thanked him.
The only thing I liked about Christmas as a kid was the gifts; otherwise, it just seemed like a stressful time.
I like to spend Christmas with family and friends, pigging out, exchanging gifts, and basically doing nothing.
Why not collect and clean chicken wishbones in the run-up to Christmas, spray them silver and use each to pinch together a white hem-stitch napkin?
One of the secrets of ‘A Christmas Story’ is that it’s a relatable story. They feel like our family.
I don’t see anybody pointing to desktop PCs as being a hot Christmas item.
Spending Christmas. Enjoying the JAX game first. Merry Christmas everyone!
Hi, all of you. Merry Christmas. God bless you all and extended family and friends. Love ya and miss my friends… Msg me and I’ll give you mine.
My heart is full. Miss them so much. This always overwhelms me this time of year with all the wreaths placed. Merry Christmas Dad and Mom and Rick. Love you lots.
There will not be a 3rd Saturday luncheon for the class of ’62 and Friends in December. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We just got the biggest blessing our church family came and sang Christmas carols to us. And dingy me forgot to get my phone and video it. It truly blessed my heart. Thank Y’all so much, Love you all. God bless. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year to you all.
Special Merry Christmas Sayings For Cards

NAIWBE NATURAL AS I WANNA BE Organic Skin Care company wishes everyone attending A Very Merry Christmas event with Praise A Merry Christmas.
Yes, my first memory of singing, in general, was of a Christmas song. And then listening to Christmas music was really the first music I was ever connected to.
My favorite time of year is two weeks before Christmas when everybody’s up for it – you’re having lunches with people, drinking Cosmopolitans, and getting ready for something exciting!
In fact, I was one of the few trusted people that Lucy allowed to play with their kids. I spent time at their summer home, rode horses at their ranch, and swam at their beach house. I even spent a Christmas with them at Palm Springs one year.
I remember driving to North Carolina when I was a little girl in a snowstorm to get down to my mom’s family in the Carolinas. There were chains on the car – it was the late sixties – and we were just singing in the car. Christmas carols.
Merry Christmas ladies !! Wonderful friends! Thank you all so much for coming in tonight! Thanks for The sweets, the Treats & the company!
Such a great week..hope you enjoy this scenery as much as we did! Merry Christmas to all our FB friends!
Here we go again.. Merry Christmas not Xmas… the X is in place of Christ’s name.. come on guys we’re better than this! Christ is the reason for the season! Stop removing him from his birthday! Either write out Merry Christmas or don’t write it at all!!!!
Merry Christmas to whoever stole Jasmine’s bike today.
But I am SO proud of how she is handling this! She said “Well this is sad but a bike is just a thing, things can be replaced. Maybe someone really needed a Christmas present”
My family, as you can probably guess, was more into Christmas cookies and not so much the fruitcake.
As we see thousands of public and private Christmas trees and nativity displays around the country, they remind us again of the powerful American value built into our Constitution: our freedom of religion.
Growing up, my earliest memories are listening to Sinatra’s Christmas albums.
I’m not going to put out a Christmas CD until it’s coming out of me naturally.
Merry Christmas Wishes For Friends And Family

What in the what?!?! You just played Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays….. but the ENTIRE chorus has removed the song?
The way my family always did Christmas was on Christmas Eve, it wasn’t really centered around dinner on Christmas Eve. It was more about keeping the kids calm. Sometime after dark is when we were going to open all the presents underneath the tree from Mom, Dad and the kids and everything – just the family presents was every Christmas Eve.
The fact is, we need markers in life, whether we subscribe to a religion or not. And the major holidays, such as Christmas, serve to remind us of the turning world.
Christmas is the season I use to clock failure in life. It stops time, as it were, on the year – where you are in it, where you are in your travail unto the grave.
I grew up believing in Santa Claus, and we still treat our house at Christmas with a huge reverence for that belief – even though our children are 19 through 23.
Pulled an all-nighter on this one!!! You got the butter from the duck on this girl…Enjoy your Holiday Party today. Merry Christmas!!
Such an amazing show. Thanks again Johnny, great seeing you and Thank you, Holly. I wish you a very Merry Christmas!!
To get into the Christmas spirit, I am posting a video about my personal favorite Christmas film!! My apologies for the 3 curse words in the video, but this video is just TOO classic not to share. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
So many happy Christmas memories..this song brings such happy memories of my grandma house such happiness floods my soul…Merry Christmas everyone.
This here was such a gift. Having everyone home even if for only a little while was just wonderful. A very Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year’s Eve! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the new year. Excited to be spending it in Jacksonville to watch the Dawgs! Merry Christmas Carson! We love you both!
The Christmas story has such power and such appeal every year. There are other stories we get tired of. You think of your favorite movie; you don’t want to watch it 15 times.
I turned the Gloucester Christmas lights on and our local Newent lights on, so everyone recognizes me now. It is a completely different life for me.
I’ve always been shy, but I see that as a good thing because it kept me focused on music. When I was in seventh grade, I asked my parents for a mobile recording system for Christmas, and I got it. I didn’t come out of my room for years after that. I’d get invited to the movies and I’d say, ‘I’m gonna finish a couple of demos.’
Merry Christmas! Thanks to all who joined our Christmas celebration to tonight! I am blessed to work with these amazing people! God bless all of Brilliant Medical Laboratory Scientists for the work you do every day to benefit our patients!
Merry Christmas means more than gifts from the store! The Son of God became a man so that man could become sons of God.
Kids Decorating Christmas Tree!!! It put me in a little bit of a Christmas mood!!! Missing my family back in Indiana!!! Methodist family included!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! love you guys!!!
Maggie says, “Merry Christmas to All”. I feel so Christmas with my new hairbow!!!
Momma and Papa are greatly missed. They both loved Christmas more than any other time of year. They loved playing Santa. Merry Christmas in heaven, love you lots.
The Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays thing is really annoying. Say whatever you want!!! The sentiment is there. Stop sweating the small stuff. We have bigger things to worry about.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!
Happy holidays and#MerryChristmas from your friends at Pinterest.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our Deer Park Family to yours.
It’s bad enough being conned into singing an anti-war message by John Lennon when you think you’re just wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
I don’t have a real recipe with measurements for my chicken stew. I just kind of make it up as I go. I made it for the first time one Christmas when I came home from college. It’s guaranteed to cure a cold.
Tax cuts should be for life, not just for Christmas.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Come join us for brunch on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and Happy New Year from our Ideal family to yours.
Going to freeze my butt off for Christmas!! Merry Christmas to all my friends and family!!
It’s easy to write a short story and frighten people for five pages, but to work at length when you do it as in ‘The Turn Of The Screw’ or ‘A Christmas Carol,’ it’s different; you have to build it and build it.
Our last jam session was this past Christmas. Dad played his harmonica, mom sang in English and Italian, and I played guitar. I’m so happy that we could share that musical experience for one last time.
My most memorable meal was with my parents at Joel Robuchon’s Restaurant Jamin in Paris. It was Christmas 1982, and the flavors – from cauliflower and caviar to crab and tomato – astounded me. It was the first time I remember thinking that I would like to really learn how to cook.
I love Paris for the million reasons that everyone loves the city. It’s an incredibly romantic and beautiful place.Merry Christmas to all my friends.
We wish u a merry Christmas We wish u to grow some edges we wish u a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Very merry Christmas with every good wish, cheers, ray San Francisco.
The rectangle of trust Holiday dinner. Doesn’t get much better. Merry Christmas to all!
Just finished up my Christmas shopping. Got to hang out with my girl and have some lunch. Totally enjoying my much needed day off. Merry Christmas!
Shay and I on our 9th annual Daddy, Daughter Christmas over night. We haven’t changed a bit! Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! May your New Year be full of love and joy!
We’re the house that’s playing Christmas music by November 1.
Most of the soap operas always use the Christmas special to kill huge quantities of their characters. So they have trams coming off their rails, or cars slamming into each other or burning buildings. It’s a general clean-out.
For Christmas 1999, my husband surprised me with a trip to Disney World. Along with our boys, we were standing on the roof of the Contemporary Hotel at midnight on New Year’s Eve 2000 watching fireworks explode over every amusement park in Orlando. It was a magical way to celebrate the millennial, and a never-to-be-forgotten Christmas present.
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