The full name of Bob Marley is Robert Nesta Marley. He was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician. Here we have a good collection of Bob Marley quotes on life, love, song, happiness, relationship, peace.
Bob Marley was Born on February 6, 1945, in Nine Mile, Jamaica and he died on May 11, 1981, University of Miami Hospital And Clinics, Miami, Florida, United States. His father’s name is Norval Sinclair Marley and his mother’s name is Cedella Malcolm.
Bob Marley quotes on life
“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold.” -Bob Marley
“A hungry mob is an angry mob.” -Bob Marley
“In this great future, you can’t forget your past.” -Bob Marley
“As a man sow, shall he reap. and I know that talk is cheap. But the heat of the battle is as sweet as the victory.” -Bob Marley
“Babylon is everywhere. You have wrong and you have right. Wrong is what we call Babylon, wrong things. That is what Babylon is to me. I could have born in England, I could have born in America, it makes no difference where me born because there is Babylon everywhere.” -Bob Marley

“Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.” -Bob Marley
“Don’t trust people whose feelings change with time. Trust people whose feelings remain the same, even when the time changes.” -Bob Marley
“Every day the bucket a-go a well, one day the bottom a-go drop out.” -Bob Marley
“Every time I plant a seed, He says kill it before it grows, he says kill it before they grow.” -Bob Marley
“Everything is political. I will never be a politician or even think political. I just deal with life and nature. That is the greatest thing for me.” -Bob Marley

“Have no fear for atomic energy, ’cause none of them can stop the time.” -Bob Marley
“I’ve been here before and will come again, but I’m not going this trip through.” -Bob Marley
“If you’re white and you’re wrong, then you’re wrong; if you’re black and you’re wrong, you’re wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green – God make no rules about color; only society makes rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now.” -Bob Marley
“I only have one ambition, now. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together – black, white, Chinese, everyone – that’s all.” -Bob Marley

“My feet is my only carriage.” -Bob Marley
“My future is righteousness.” -Bob Marley
“Put your vision to reality.” -Bob Marley
“Rastafari not a culture, it’s a reality.” -Bob Marley
“Road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, so while you talk about me, someone else is judging you.” -Bob Marley
“The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?” -Bob Marley
“They say: only the fittest of the fittest shall survive, stay alive!” -Bob Marley
“Though the road’s been rocky it sure feels good to me.” -Bob Marley
“Truth is the light, so you never give up the fight.” -Bob Marley

“When one door is closed, many more are open.” —Coming in from the Cold, from the album Confrontation -Bob Marley
“When the race gets hard to run. It means you just can’t take the peace.” -Bob Marley
“You can’t find the right roads when the streets are paved.” -Bob Marley
“You entertain people who are satisfied. Hungry people can’t be entertained – or people who are afraid. You can’t entertain a man who has no food.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on love

“Live the life you love. Love the life you live.” -Bob Marley
“And don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.” -Bob Marley
“Conquer the devils with a little thing called love.” -Bob Marley
“I know that I’m not perfect and that I don’t claim to be, so before you point your fingers make sure your hands are clean.” -Bob Marley
“If puss and dog can get together, why can’t we love one another?” -Bob Marley
“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy. … Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” -Bob Marley

“If you get down and quarrel every day, you’re saying prayers to the devil, I say.” -Bob Marley
“Love would never leave us alone.” -Bob Marley
“One love, one heart, Let’s get together and feel all right.” -Bob Marley
“Overcome the devils with a thing called love.” -Bob Marley
“She may not be the most popular or prettiest but if you love her and she makes you smile… what else matters?” -Bob Marley
“The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman without the intention of loving her.” -Bob Marley
“The trust is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” -Bob Marley

“The winds that sometimes take something we love, are the same that bring us something we learn to love.” “Therefore we should not cry about something that was taken from us, but, yes, love what we have been given. Because what is really ours is never gone forever.” -Bob Marley
“There will never be any love at all.” -Bob Marley
“You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love the sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that’s why I’m scared when you say you love me.” -Bob Marley
“One love, one heart, one destiny.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on happiness

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.” -Bob Marley
“In the abundance of water, a fool is thirsty.” -Bob Marley
“Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.” -Bob Marley
“Alcohol makes you drunk, man. It doesn’t make you meditate, it just makes you drunk. Herb is more a consciousness.” -Bob Marley
“Just because you are happy it does not mean that the day is perfect but that you have looked beyond its imperfections.” -Bob Marley
“Keep calm and chive on.” -Bob Marley
“None but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley
Bob Marley inspirational quotes

“You just can’t live in that negative way….. make way for the positive day.” -Bob Marley
“I no have an education. I have inspiration. If I was educated I would be a damn fool.” -Bob Marley
“Two thousand years of history Black History could not be wiped away so easily.”-Bob Marley
“You have to be someone.” -Bob Marley
“You just can’t live that negative way. You know what I mean. Make way for the positive day. Cause it’s a new day…” -Bob Marley
“You not supposed to feel down over whatever happens to you. I mean, you’re supposed to use whatever happens to you as some type of upper, not a downer.” -Bob Marley
“Don’t give up the fight, Stand up for your rights.” -Bob Marley
“It takes many a year, mon, and maybe some bloodshed must be, but righteousness someday prevail.” -Bob Marley
“The day you stop racing is the day you win the race.” -Bob Marley
“What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. The process of what that struggle becomes, in time, the Truth.” -Bob Marley
“The harder the battle the sweet of Jah victory.” -Bob Marley
“Rastafari not a culture, it’s a reality.” -Bob Marley
“We Jah people can make it work.” -Bob Marley
“I don’t stand for the black man’s side, I don’t stand for the white man’s side, I stand for God’s side.” -Bob Marley
“Man can’t do without God. Just like you’re thirsty, you have to drink water. You just can’t go without God.” -Bob Marley
“Life and Jah are one and the same. Jah is the gift of existence. I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated. The singularity of every man and woman is Jah’s gift. What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. The process of what that struggle becomes, in time, the Truth.” -Bob Marley
“I don’t dip on nobody’s side. I don’t dip on the black man’s side, not the white man’s side. I dip on God’s side, the one who create me and cause me to come from black and white.” -Bob Marley
“People want to listen to a message, word from Jah. This could be passed through me or anybody. I am not a leader. Messenger. The words of the songs, not the person, is what attracts people.” –Bob Marley
“Some people say great God comes from the sky take away everything and make everybody feel high, but if you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on earth.” -Bob Marley
“The devil ain’t got no power over me. The devil comes, and I shake hands with the devil. The devil has his part to play. Devil’s a good friend, too… because when you don’t know him, that’s the time he can mosh you down.” “We JAH people can make it work.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on money

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” -Bob Marley
“I have a BMW. But only because BMW stands for and The Wailers, and not because I need an expensive car.” -Bob Marley
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on music
“Hey mister music, sure sounds good to me I can’t refuse it what to be got to be.” -Bob Marley
“My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die.” -Bob Marley
“My music will go on forever. Maybe it’s a fool say that, but when I know facts I can say facts. My music will go on forever.” -Bob Marley
“One good thing about music—when it hits you, you feel no pain.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on relationships

“Some will hate you pretend they love you now then behind they try to eliminate you.” -Bob Marley
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” -Bob Marley
Bob Marley quotes on wisdom

“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts.” -Bob Marley
“None but ourselves can free our minds.” -Bob Marley
“And what has been hidden from the wise and the prudent been revealed in the mouth of the toddlers” -Bob Marley
“Beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad, but its everything in between that makes it all worth living.” -Bob Marley
“Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality.” -Bob Marley
“Don’t complicate your mind.” -Bob Marley
“Don’t worry about a thing, ‘Cos every little thing is gonna be all right.” -Bob Marley
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind. Have no fear for atomic energy, ’cause none of them can stop the time.” -Bob Marley
“If something can corrupt you, you’re corrupted already.” -Bob Marley
“It is better to live on the housetop than to live in a house full of confusion.” -Bob Marley
“It’s your own conscience that is gonna remind you; that it’s your heart and nobody else’s that is gonna judge.” -Bob Marley
“Judge not, before you judge yourself. Judge not, if you’re not ready for judgment.” -Bob Marley
“Man is a universe within himself.” -Bob Marley
“I am a common-sense man. That means when I explain things, I explain it in a very simple way; that means if I explain it to a baby, the baby will understand too, you know.” -Bob Marley
“None but ourselves can free our minds.” -Bob Marley
“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” -Bob Marley
“Prejudice is a chain, it can hold you. If you prejudice, you can’t move, you keep prejudice for years. Never get anywhere with that.” -Bob Marley
“So before you point your fingers make sure your hands are clean.” -Bob Marley
“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.” -Bob Marley
“Tell the children the truth.” -Bob Marley
“The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.” -Bob Marley
“Today, people struggle to find what’s real. Everything has become so synthetic that a lot of people, all they want is to grasp onto hope.” -Bob Marley
“Until the end of the world, all whys will be answered, but now, you can only ask!” -Bob Marley
“You can fool some people some times but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” -Bob Marley
“What important is man should live in righteousness, in natural love for mankind.” -Bob Marley